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Welcome to The Southwestern U.S.


The Grand Canyon, Roswell, Vale, Deserts, Nuclear Testing Sites, Casinos and Wayne Newton are all familiar terms to these folks.


The people on this page are from New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Nevada

Smat, DEE, Raistlin, Cyber Spyder, Fairietink, Turbo




Colorado Springs, Colorado

Smat is the main guy at ICS/TTR, the creator of our wonderful chatroom and guru of the chat site.

And as onyx says... "Hipper than I ever thought he'd be" 

Sooooon To Come...... "SMATerings" .




New Mexico

First Came To Masq: January 1996

Homepage #1

Homepage #2





Raistlin Raistlin

Eloy, Arizona

First Came To Masq:  August 1996


"Regardless to the rumors that float around....I am single *l*"






 CyberCyber Spider

Colorado Springs, Colorado

First Came To Masq:  March 1997

Homepage #1

Homepage #2

I'm a firm beleiver in the chaos theory and Murphy's Law; i'm artistically inclined; i'm hoping to learn how to ride a motercycle (one of these days); i watch Hurcules, Sliders, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, The X Files, Millenium, all the Star Trek shows, and The Simpsons; i read books and comic books, the comic books i read are: Superboy, Impulse, all of the Spider-Man comics (gee, that was painfully obvious), and anything else that catches my eye whenever i go to a comic shop; and finally my current celebrity crush is Lara Croft (i know she's not real, but i can dream can't i???)



Phoenix, Arizona

First Came To Masq:  September 1997


Came to ICS about 2 years ago, started in The World as Tinkerbell.Moved to the Hallway about a year age, then to masq about 6 months ago.Stayed here because it's the one place where the women will talk to newbie women.



TurboTurbo *IDRSFA*


First Came to ICS:  February 1996

First Came to Masq:  April 1998


Anything I say may be held against me.....





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This Page Last Updated: Wednesday, October 28, 1998
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