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Welcome To The West Coast


Hollywood, Beverly Hills, The Walk of Fame, Napa Valley, Silicon Valley, Maps To The Stars' Homes, O.J. Simpson and Earthquakes are just some of the things that the people who live on the west coast know very well.


The people on this page are from California and Hawaii

ShadowSpawn, ~K~, Luna, Red Rose


ShadowSpawn ShadowSpawn

Los Angeles, California

First Came To Masq:  November 1995          

"I am the Dragon ShadowSpawn Lord of the Shadows !

Master of the Darkness & The Lover of Mystery

Life is short, Love is fleeting, And I'm going to live Forever!!"










aka Kiersten

aka Guineverre

Union City, California

First Came To Masq:  July 1996

"Masq's Own Chair Dancer "....One of the 3 Musketeers with Rainbow and Story







Luna the cat

Southern California

First Came To Masq:  August 1996

I am known for: Well first of all being a cat. People give me pounce all of the time. When people ask me how I am, I usually say......
I am rooty tooty fresh and fruity. Not to mention Spiffy Nifty Swell Keen and Groovy. But if I had to narrow down how I am feeling to one word, it would have to be.......um....... spiffentacuragealicious. *s*
Homepage #1



RedRoseRed Rose

Southern California

First Came To Masq:  August 1996

"Everybody calls me the innocent one but I'm not. *EG*"









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