DRAW Amateur Night

Amateur Night Thrills!! Are you a young person tired of working at Algae queen? Do you want to live a life of danger as a D.R.A.W. superhero!??! Do you have what it takes??? Why not find out at one of our sponsored amateur night events. For a mere $250 you can join us and see if you have the yawbles. I know, you are saying..what do I get for that money? Well, you get the use of one (1) electro charged Killer Kart Duelling vehicle armed to the teeth with a Gibson .50 cal machine gun, the likes of which even smiling Joe would love.. and dont forget, if you win, the car is yours to take home. Also, I know, you are saying "what! theres more??" YES!! with each paid membership you recieve, absolutely free, the official D.R.A.W. IMI Eagle .357 and a suit of our own special body armor, your choice of colors, yellow, green, pink, and black. So..check your local listings to see if we are in your town!

Questions? Write Bill or Write Phil

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