Jeannette "Angel" Devereaux:

Angel's Picture

Name................... : Jeannette Devereaux
Rank................... : Colonel
Callsign............... : Angel
Age.................... : 32
Home System............ : Earth
Current/Last assignment : Covert-Ops Division

This shot of Colonel Devereaux taken from the Kilrathi broadcast of her execution
Angel was one of the oldest friends of Blair and became his fiancee a few years after. Her career has always been in the heart of the Human-Kilrathi war; after her tour on the Claw during the Vega campaign, she became Wing Commander on the Concordia and then entered the Covert Ops division run by another ex-Claw pilot: James "Paladin" Taggart. Her last assignment took her in the Kilrah system to study the geology of the Kilrathi homeworld and to prepare Earth's decisive strike against the Cats; it was during this mission that she was captured and then killed by Thrakhath, the evil Kilrathi Crown Prince.

Actress' info:

Yolanda Jilot plays the part of Angel in WC3, Angel's last appearance.

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