Rokugani Maps!

Being a L5R Gm, and wanting to use Campaign Cartographer I've adapted the Rokugan Maps from the City of Lies Boxed set to Campagin Cartographer format. At this point All of the physical features are done, using the full range of CC2 layers. Cities and Roads are about 1/2 done. I've had several request for this map, and when I've got the base map done and have worked out any legal stuff with AEG/FRPG then I will post it here for downloading.


You can see below the symbols i've created to use for the Rokugan Palaces, cities, villages, fortresses, and Torii shrines. I am not much of an artist, and I would happy to incorporate fancier versions of these if some of you would like to contribute.

Cities and roads will be placed, and a table of distances can be generated from the road lengths.

Most importantly, the map (in CC2) format will be able to be changed according to your wishes.

The Future

My Rokugan is different from yours. But there are many things that we can do together to aid the community as a whole. I would like to be able to take the finished map and create new versions that include Minor clan lands, Battle sites, smaller natural features such as lakes and streams, and economic information.

The Product

Mapped with CC2 Campaign Cartogropher is a full featured CAD program design to be used in RPG mapping. If you haven't seen it, give it a look.

The Maps

Click on images to see larger versions.

The natural features map. Large!(

Rokugan Natural Features

Samples of the Symbols. large! (

Symbol Examples

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