Simple Terrain Ideas

There are many simple pieces of terrain that you can easily make for your Warhammer 40K Chaos army. Some of these are detailed below, and they are all very simple

Chaos Shrine

Cut out some polystyrene into a rough pyramid or pillar shape that is about 7cm to 10cm high, so that the base is wider than the top. Your could also use cardboard to make this shape. The idea is to make a sought of pedestal for a figure to stand on. Paint this pedestal in textured paint (PVA glue mixed with dirt or sand). When this is dried, paint the pedestal in a dark grey, and then dry brush it several times with lighter shades of grey.

Find an old figure (for example the Sorcerer model from 'Hero Quest', or maybe a chaos warrior from Warhammer Fantasy), alternatively, buy a daemon model. Paint the figure entirely gold, and then wash with flesh wash or chestnut wash. Then glue the figure to the top of the pedestal, so that it looks like a statue.

And there you have it, a Chaos Shrine

Tortured Humans

This one's a simple one. Find some spikes, rocks and twigs. Then buy a box of plastic undead skeletons. Impale the skeletons on the spikes, make skeletons hanging on the twigs (trees). Basically just make it look as if Chaos troops have tortured men, and then executed them!


To make forests, use citadel trees. Glue them onto bases, and then drop down to yur local hobby/model shop and buy some lichen. This Lichen is actually real plant matter (the stuff that grows on rocks). It can be used as undergrowth on your tree's bases. Also for bigger trees, try to find some interestingly shaped branches and twigs, as long as they are small. Put these branches and twigs on bases as though they are trees, and use lichen to add foliage.

A Word on Bases

It is really important that you put each piece of your terrain onto a base. This adds a lot to the overall appearance of your terrain, and finishes it off nicely. For a base, sand down polystyrene into a flat piece, or use thick cardboard. Paint the base in green and then flock it.

Some Brief Tips on Terrain Making

- Polystyrene is your best friend.

- Citadel flock is the best flock for terrain making.

- Never paint onto bare polystyrene, textured paint it first.

- Textured Paint is your second best friend.

- Use PVA glue for everything, even for polystyrene.

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