Hey Wuz Up
This Page Was Designed for all the single men looking for young successfull special women from the ages 14-21.Plz dont send notes here if you want to talk to the ladies click on there picture and it will take yo to there page.Where still excepting ladies to be future on this page.If you are between the ages 14-21 pretty mature smart sexy note UnRealGurls3 and i will tell you if you are going to be future on this page(bp_ladys_ladys).If you are a member plz save bp_ladys_ladys as a friend and put this banner link on your bp page(http://www.geocities.com/UnRealLadys/bp_ladys_ladys_log
Thanx And Enjoy!
Friend List: UnRealLadys    toya_toya_99    BabyPhat2436     Miami_Baddest      St.Pete_thugirl    MiamiChula305 koldzta UnRealGurls3    MzBiHottie C;assy561female  bp_finestniccas    Light_skinned1
[email protected] *
Check out bp_fellas_fellas
coming in feb.....................................
The Maker of that page is going to be
Ages to be on that page 15-21
Has to be cute or fine
Has to have respect.Can be and
race if you want more info
on that send UnRealGurls3 a note
Holla Back-Patrice
Check out bp_ladys_ladys2
coming right after
bp_fellas_fellas in feb if
your interested send UnRealGurls3
a note Must be 14 -21 pretty
smart have goals and has respect
aight Peace Im Ghost-Shaun

hey wuz up plz vote the
bp_ladys_ladys member you like the
most vote in the guestbook
simply by puting the name of the
person your voting for Thanx and Enjoy plz!
Hey Be looking out for Soul Reason Record Label and be looking for a hot new r&b artist by the name of dru

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