Alaura Clifften

+ Salor - Sister

Alaura Clifften



Name - Alaura Clifften
Birth - May 13, Emerald
Star - Taurus
Race - Avariel
Weight - 130 lbs
Height - 5'6
Age - 19
Class -Bard (Artist)
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Mistledale
God/Goddess - Aerdrie Faenya
Hair - Black, straight, shoulders
Eyes - Midnight Blue
Siblings - 1b (Seidn), 1g (Salor)
Marital Status - Taken
Spouse - Ryou
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Quarterstaff
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Rose
Wings - Black


Elven ears poke out from behind her well-groomed hair of ebony, her hair being straight and unbounded, coming to a halt at her shoulders. Somewhat flawless complexion with dark, slim brows and ebony lashed eyes of midnight blue hold an uncertain depth. Her lips, dewy and pouty, are a dark shade of pink.

She wears a tunic of large size. Black in color, made from cotton. The tunic has a v-neckline along with long sleeves. Leggings of black leather are seen on her lean legs, boots of worn black leather seen as well. A hooded cloak of black, heavy cotton is placed on her shoulders, hiding her slender body of five foot six with the weight of one hundred thirty pounds.

When you see her face you notice she is quite young, eighteen by the looks of it. A pack is carried with her, filled with pastels, paints, clays and parchment of sorts. A small ring made of emerald is seen on her right hand ring finger, encrusted with small runes. The scent of roses clogs your senses when near this avariel.

Also she carries with her a tall oaken quarterstaff. A medallion of Aerdrie Faenya hangs from her slender neck by a silken, black ribbon. If her alignment is sensed it would be chaotic good.

When not in a restricted zone, wings of raven hue are seen sprouting from her shoulder blades of downy feathers. Her wings spanning a six foot each.


How did she grow up? Alaura grew up in an average family with her mother being a well known soprano singer in Mistledale and her father a professor at the local school. Alaura never wanted for nothing but neither did she get everything she asked for. In her world you must work for what you want. Her parents are still alive.

Her happiest memory? When she graduated from Bardic College and was able to become what she always wanted to be. And, seeing Ryou’s island for the first time. Talk about beautiful.

Her worst memory? When Salor accidentally knocked over a pail of water onto her favorite painting of Aerdrie Faenya that she painted herself using watercolors, this was her fifth painting ever.

Tell me about her siblings? Seidn is a handsome avariel who is roaming the south of Faerun in search of those who wish to harm his race, he is a fighter and follower of Aerdrie Faenya as is the whole family of Clifften’s. Salor is Alaura’s younger sister by two years and is a lovely cleric who is currently in Waterdeep in search of more followers to support Aerdrie Faenya. Alaura is the middle child. So far none have settled with family, all wish to travel. Alaura has always been close to her sister but barely knows her older brother Seidn who is older by four years. He was sent to learn how to fight when he was young.

Why did she leave home? To become a Bard. Mistledale didn’t offer many opportunities in the field and the closest one was Waterdeep. Alaura packed up her stuff when she was but a child and went to Bardic College and graduated with honors in all the bardic arts.

Why is she in Oerth? Business was alright in Toril but she decided to see what other worlds are like. She enjoys Oerth and has made many friends and wishes to stay for about another year before leaving once more.

What does she do to earn money, or coinage? She is a wonderful artist and enjoys what she does. She loves to draw nature scenes and please people with drawing them at special times in their lives: Weddings, births, accomplishments, them all.

Does she have any pets? At the moment no. She does enjoy animals though, especially in their natural habitat.

Does she have any children? Alaura has no children.


Courteous Patient Confident

Alaura means laurel in Latin.

[*] Information on Aerdrie Faenya

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