Amalie Silentcomet

+ Cilissa – Daughter

Amalie Silentcomet



Name - Amalie Silentcomet
Birth - February 29, Amethyst
Star - Pisces
Race - Half Oeridian Human – Wood Elf
Weight - 120 lbs
Height - 5'6
Age - 19
Class -Scholar learning Cosmology, Adept
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Waterdeep = Moonbeam College
God/Goddess - Rao
Hair - Brown, layered straight, waist
Eyes - Peridot
Siblings - None
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - 1g (Cilissa), 1b (Tavarius)
Alignment - Neutral Good
Weapon - Quarterstaff
RPG Room - R, GB
Scent - Lavender
Wings - None


Decadent lips part slightly and her melodic soprano voice rings lovingly through the air. Her lips are set in a permanent pout of childlike nature as well as painted a pale pink in shade. Her straight, symmetrical nose is perfect for her angelic features, her bronzed or sun kissed complexion is unblemished and shimmering. Slim brows are expressive, high cheek bones have a splash of life to them and show youthful features. Almond shaped eyes are somewhat kohl lined and have an abundance of ebony lashes to hide her ever glowing peridot irises from the world. The dramatic effect her eyes have with their cat like flicker is like two full moons on a clear, summer sky.

Brown hair falls in luxuriant straight layers to her waist being left unrestrained to be one with the breeze. Once the wind does blow her hair from her face you notice her slightly pointed ears hinting at mixed ancestry. A half breed stands before you a half Oeridian human and Wood elf to be exact. Her lithe, slender frame of one hundred twenty pounds with the willowy height of five foot six inches is flawless and breathtaking. The maiden is young, looking in human terms to be nineteen and not much younger or older.

Her enthralling frame is held tightly by a flowing, cotton dress of pale green complementing her luminous eyes. A halter style neckline holds her slender neck slightly with its soft ties to plunge into her bosom and leave a hint of cleavage for the imagination. High empire waist with a small ribbon holding tight into a bow. To show off her muscular abdomen the gentle material parts and criss-crosses around the back to keep up and the material reunites at her slender waist and falls into a full a-line skirt to end in a train at the heel of her ivory one inch heels that lace up to her knees. The heels are seen when the wind blows and the slit makes itself known and allows her muscular legs to be seen.

A cloak of white holds tight to her alluring frame and normally has the hood up to shield her lovely features. A symbol of merchant scales is stitched onto the back of this cloak in gold to show she is a Moonbeam Adept. A pendant holding her cloak to her body has the symbol of Rao, or a white heart of metal. If her alignment or magic was sensed it would be neutral good and her magical abilities somewhat there.

The only weapon seen on this angelic creature is a quarterstaff taller than she and of simple make. Ash wood polished to a golden shine with small engravings of arcane. The pleasant scent of lavender lingers after she moves and engulfs her when she’s standing. A golden collar like necklace is placed around her slender neck and has a small, diamond shaped amethyst hanging from it.


How did she grow up? Amalie grew up in an orphanage in Greyhawk City on Oerth where she was constantly beat because of her race and how she wasn’t a very pretty child but also because she was too smart for her own good. Amalie doesn’t know how she arrived at the orphanage or why her parents gave her up.

Her happiest memory? Getting accepted into the Moonbeam Adept college and being able to leave behind the murderous orphanage she was at.

Her worst memories? Having to sleep with the wolves that guarded the orphanage, it was mid winter, she had no blanket and no food and she was bleeding and thought the wolves would eat her. Also, when she miscarriaged when she was four months pregnant and having just found out the children were going to be twins and one of each gender.
When she took the twins and left Jade due to personal reasons and took up residence at the Waterdeep University.

Tell me about her siblings? Amalie has no real siblings.

Why did she leave home? She left Greyhawk because she was accepted to become an Adept.

Why is she in Juxta, Oerth, Toril, and Sigil? She goes to these places because she can freely go anywhere with a Moonbeam. Though, Oerth doesn’t like them so she just plane shifts as she is able to be home again. Even though she hated it at the orphanage, Oerth is still her home at heart. She goes to Toril, Faerun because the Adepts are opening a college there as well. She goes to Sigil because it is where many come to chat, buy wares and just relax.

What does she do for money or coinage? I don’t believe she earns money for what she does but what she does is study at the Moonbeam Adept college for Cosmology.

Does she have any pets? Not really. Some may think Cili and Tavy are pets but they are not. I don’t think she will ever get a pet; she’d rather just have a child and not a pet. Amalie loves children.

Does she have any children? Amalie adopted two lycanthrope children from Sigil about a year back. Cilissa and Tavarius are her children, and she treats them as if they were real blood of hers and not adopted. The twins are about two years old and their lycanthrope form is a tiger. She miscarriaged at about four months with a set of twins of her own.


Determined Imaginative Inspirational
[*] Information on Rao

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