Camdyn Londen

+ Sura – Sister

Camdyn Londen



Name - Camdyn Londen
Birth - July 17, Ruby
Star - Cancer
Race - Elf (Wood)
Weight -102 lbs
Height - 5'0
Age - 17
Class -Ranger
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Highfolk
God/Goddess - Jascar
Hair - Brown, slightly wavy, middle back
Eyes - Amethyst
Siblings - 2b (Brian, Kyle), 1g (Sura)
Marital Status -Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Crossbow
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Sweet Pea
Wings - None


Sharply tapered elven ears poke forth from beneath silken tresses of brown falling in slight waves to her middle back normally held up at the base of her neck via leather ties. Her unblemished complexion holding a soft sun kissed glow. Slim brows and a cute button nose lead down to her perfectly proportioned lips of a peach shade, also wetted by a flick of her tongue for the glossy look. Adorning her satiny locks of hair are a few lilac blossoms.

Her almond eyes flicker out to the sides, creating a cat-like awareness. Her ever glowing orbs of amethyst surrounded by a shield of ebony lashes for a more dramatic effect. Her beauty and youth is clearly elven, her race wood elf. She is young, no more than seventeen in human terms. She stands at a petite five foot even with the weight of one hundred two pounds.

A medallion of faith graces her slender neck held up by a silken white ribbon, the faith symbol is of Jascar, encrusted with rubies. All seems balanced with this female; a sense of good comes along with her balance, her alignment being chaos and good. The lingering scent isn’t lilacs; it is sweet pea, the sweet scent taking you to a meadow full of the tiny flowers.

The elven female is clad in a brown leather top having short sleeves that don’t reach her biceps, a button down front leaving the top buttons undone so she can breathe easily. The top is tight upon her slim figure, the abdomen part showing outlines of her muscles. A beige leather belt holds a coin pouch, leading down to her black leather pants acting as a second skin. The pants tucking into her mahogany colored leather boots, the tops flipped down. Normally hiding her alluring figure is a cloak of cotton, navy blue, hooded and the hem of the cloak touching the heels of her boots. The cloak is tied to the left with a pendant once again of Jascar.

The female carries a quiver of arrows along with an elven crafted crossbow of medium size. The only weapon she carries is this crossbow, though some magic is sensed when near her.


How did she grow up? Cammy grew up in Highfolk with two loving parents and plenty of room to grow. Her family’s farm is well known in Highfolk for the large crops it brings. Cammy knows hard work and what good effects it brings when done.

Her happiest memory? Helping a lost rabbit when she was younger to escape a hungry wolf. Cammy has then dubbed herself a traveling ranger.

Her worst memory? When her mother passed away due to an illness that to this day Cammy knows nothing of.

Tell me about her siblings? She has three siblings. Brian and Kyle being her older brothers whom are both warriors off fighting in some unknown city and write to her occasionally. Sura, her little sister by a year, in human terms, is a magic user under Boccob who lives in Highfolk with Cammy.

Why did she leave home? She hasn’t, she stays and helps her father with the farm. She helps him by keeping large animals off his crops.

Why is she in Ford Keep? She tends to wander a week out of every month and she normally comes here for room and board.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a ranger and normally grateful farmers offer her money when she rescues their crops.

Does she have any pets? No.

Does she have any children? No.


Optimistic Enthusiastic Intelligent

Camdyn is English for 'From the valley of the camps'.

[*] Jascar Information

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