Content Listuni

Content Listuni



Name - Content Listuni
Birth - October 15, Opal
Star - Libra
Race - Sun Elf
Weight - 98 lbs
Height - 5'3
Age - 17
Class -Sorcerer
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Fyrondy, Chendl
God/Goddess - Corellon Larethian
Hair - Golden, straight, waist
Eyes - Electric Sapphire
Siblings - 1b (Conan), 3g (Chazae, Brina, Galatea)
Marital Status -Married
Spouse - Trevin
Children - 1b (Ralyn)
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Quarterstaff
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Lilac
Wings - None


Lustrous hair reflecting that of the golden rays of the sun cascades down her back in exquisitely straight locks to her waist. A diadem of golden chain hangs from her forehead, giving her hair a decoration. Though, right now she has her thick tresses set in a long french braid, a few strands escaping the braids to fall around her sharply pointed elven ears and to contrast with her eyes.

Her eyes luminous and ethereal are shielded by long, thick ebony lashes. Her eyes have a cat-like flicker to them, the shade an electric sapphire giving depth and intelligence. Her face is heart-shaped, her nose straight and button-like and her lips set in a child-like pout, glossy with the flick of her tongue and a rose petal pink in color. Her complexion is deeply sun kissed, hinting at her heritage of sun elf.

She is young, maybe seventeen in human terms. Her height comes to a halt at five foot three inches, her weight staying steady at ninety-eight pounds. A medallion bearing Corellon Larethian’s symbol rests upon her slender neck, hanging by a white, silken ribbon. The medallion encrusted with small opals. Magic is sensed around her, as is chaos and good.

Carried with this alluring beauty is a tall quarterstaff made from ash wood being simple and of elven make with small opals adorning the staff. The scent that lingers around her is that of the lilac, sending you into the spring equinox in a meadow of nothing but lilacs.

The sun elf is clad in a snug, leather top dyed a dull maroon in shade, no sleeves, a dipping v-neckline and a tight abdomen. A few encrusted metal places seen on this garment, being gold in shade with the middle one near her ample cleavage holds a sapphire tightly in its clasp. Bracers of the same leather seen upon her forearms. Leather, ebony, pants fall off her slender hips and tuck into boots of a worn brown look. A cloak of white falls from her slender shoulders and the hem touches the earth as she moves. A hood is included, normally up to shield her tranquil features.


How did she grow up? Content grew up on Toril in Icewind Dale with a highly known family of sun elven nobles with the best education money can buy in the magical arts and a loving family. Even though her parents were cold she found love in her siblings.

Her happiest memory? When she was married to Trevin, or Nature to her. She loves Trevin with all of her life and thus has broke the spell her parents placed on her to force her into marriage of another sun elven.

Her worst memory? When she found out she was to marry an old, respected sun elf of her parents choosing.

Tell me about her siblings? The oldest sibling is Chazae who is a beautiful sun elf who deserted the family when Content was young due to the same threat Content faced. Chazae is a cruel rogue in Waterdeep now. Conan and Content are rare twin sun elves and Conan is happily married with another sun elf of his own choosing and just had a baby boy last year. Brina, her little sister is a warrior who has recently run off to join in on a war. Galatea is a strange child of rare beauty whom is too young to wed right now and is safe from her parents. She is studying to become a bard.

Why did she leave home? To get away from her parents when she was young.

Why is she in Oerth? The first reason was because of her parents couldn’t trace her on another planet. The second is because she now lives there with her husband and child.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a sorcerer teaching others the ways of Corellon Larethian. She normally stays home but occasionally goes on adventures with Trevin.

Does she have any pets? You could call Cat a pet but he is more of a grandfather to her. Weird, but it is true. Cat came with Trevin and he has saved the family many times and is rather loving and helpful toward their child.

Does she have any children? Yes, Ralyn is her and Trevin’s adopted son of about one year. He’s a lycanthrope with a lion and elven form. He’s rather loving and very entertaining. Content has her hands full.


Charming Clever Friendly

Content is American for satisfied and happy.

[*] Corellon Larethian Information.

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