Cyiania Winters

Cyiania Winters



Name - Cyiania Winters
Birth - December 30, Turquoise
Star - Capricorn
Race - Moon Elf
Weight - 110 lbs
Height - 5'4
Age - 18
Class -Bard
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Silver Marches, Silverymoon
God/Goddess - Angharradh
Hair - Silver, layered straight, shoulders
Eyes - Sky Blue
Siblings - 4g (Branwen, Faustine, Qiana, Quinlana) 5b (Terrance, Wyatt, Trey, Daniel, Marc)
Marital Status - Taken
Spouse - Daroon
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Long spear, dagger
RPG Room - R
Scent - Peppermint
Wings - None


Clad in a silken top of silver with barely any sleeves along with a v-neckline that swoops down to allow a peak at ample cleavage, the top is tiny and cuts off before her last rib is felt. Tanned complexion with a flawless look, her muscular abdomen leads to her silken skirt swaying off her hips and to her knees, a slit on either side up to her hips. A belt of white leather graces her hips as well, holding a dagger in its sheath and a pouch full of whatnots. Leather sandals are seen, straps leading to her knees.

Silver hair falls in straight layers to her shoulders, lustrous and satiny, a wreath of flowers of all sorts upon her head, seeming to fit well. Arched brows, darkly lashed eyes of sky blue are glowing orbs with tranquility. A straight nose leads to lips of a peach tint with a dewy look to them, her lips set in a childlike pout.

A cloak of heavy, white cotton sets upon her shoulders, the hood normally up. The elf weighs in at around one hundred ten pounds, her height at five foot four inches tall. Her age is young, at around eighteen in human terms. She is a moon elf who supports the goddess Angharradh, the medallion gracing her slender neck bearing the symbol of three interconnecting rings on a downward pointing triangle.

Also seen with her is a finely made, elven long spear, though, rarely used. Also, the scent of peppermint is sensed when near her. A ring made of sapphire is set on her right hand ring finger, having runes blazing under the gemstone. When sensed her alignment is chaos and good.


How did she grow up? In Silverymoon with her loving parents and a rather large family. Her family has money from the past generations of moon elves. Being noble she was taught with a great education and the ways of the nobles.

Her happiest memory? When her first rose bloomed.

Her worst memory? She can’t recall one and hopes she never will.

Tell me about her siblings? There’s so many! The oldest of them all would be Terrance and then his rare twin Trey who was born two minutes after him. Terrance and Trey are identical twins who are traveling bards. Next would be Faustine whom is a warrior for Sehanine Moonbow and is currently guarding up in Icewind Dale. Then would come Daniel who no one has spoken to since he left when he was sixteen, in human terms. And then it would be Cyiania and next Quinlana who is a wonderful singer. After Quinlana comes Marc who is a very well known ranger for Silverymoon. Branwen is only two years younger than Marc and is very much addicted to the magical arts. Next would be her very young sister Qiana who looks almost identical to Quinlana. And then the baby Wyatt, who was just born.

Why did she leave home? She hasn’t, in a since. She still lives in Silverymoon but on her own.

Why is she in Waterdeep? She goes their often to acquire more plants for her garden and to converse with friends. She is also a bard and gains coin here.

What does she do for money or coinage? She travels down to Waterdeep and back up playing her part as a bard to gain enough coin.

Does she have any pets? No.

Does she have any children? No.


Creative Affectionate Loyal

[*] Angharradh Information

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