Dream Dawsen

Dream Dawsen



Name – Dream Dawsen
Birth – March 15, Aquamarine
Star – Pisces
Race – Moon Elf
Weight –108 lbs
Height – 5’4
Age – 18
Class –Sorcerer, Cleric
Homeland – Toril, Faerun, Savage Frontier, Neverwinter
God/Goddess - Hanali Celanil
Hair – Light Blonde, layered straight, shoulders
Eyes – Ice Blue
Siblings – 2g (Catalin, Eirene), 1b (Alec)
Marital Status – Taken
Spouse – Shane Reson
Children – Pregnant
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Dagger
RPG Room - R
Scent - Raspberry
Wings - None


A wreath of small leaves along with white flowers is set upon her head, as well as with a silver diadem holding a tiny aquamarine. Elven ears poke out from beneath light blonde hair falling in layers to her shoulders, her hair straight and unbound. Her glistening locks surrounding a face of alluring beauty.

Her age seems to be around eighteen in human terms, her height a five foot four inches, her weight a one hundred eight pounds of lithe muscle. Luminous eyes of the purest ice blue shine from behind a forest of ebony lashes. A nose set perfectly for her heart-shaped face leads to full, pouting lips glistening softly with a rosy-pink shade. Her lips almost inviting as they part and her tongue flicks out to wet them. Her eyes flickering out to the sides like that of a cats’.

The moon elf is garbed in a silken robe of dark blue with a black trim. When this robe is removed you may notice a small tunic of white, silken material over a small undershirt bearing midriff. Black breeches hug tight to her slender legs, tucking into black leather boots. Only a dagger is visible as a weapon, but if searching her you notice her magic vibrates off her person frantically, a pack is what she carries with her of many different objects inside. A cloak of midnight blue, with hood, falls off her shoulders and hides her slender body from view.

When her form is seen you notice slightly tanned skin with an unblemished look, and the sign of Hanali Celanil upon a ring on her right ring finger. The faint scent of raspberries in the summertime follows her. A sense of good and chaos can be found as well.

She is currently in her third trimester of pregnancy and shows it with a rounded belly, glowing complexion and the tendency to throw objects when Braxton-Hicks kicks in.


How did she grow up? Dream grew up with loving parents, wonderful, helping siblings and a great education. She grew up living in Silverymoon. Her parents are still alive today.

Her happiest memory? Not learning she was pregnant, that’s for sure. Her happiest memory was after everything quieted down when she was in her second trimester and it dawned on her that she was going to have a family with Shane.

Her worst memory? When Alec, her brother, rounded on her after he returned from war with a horrible memory. He kept shouting at Dream that she wasn’t one of them and told her to leave. He still hasn’t apologized.

Tell me about her siblings? Dream has three siblings. Alec being the oldest just returned from war with a scattered brain. Catalin, or Catty, is only a few years younger than Dream and tends to have a way with the gentlemen, Eirene is the youngest and somewhat of an eccentric as Dream was when she was younger. Eiry has a gift with the magical arts same as Dream.

Why did she leave home? To work for a library in Waterdeep when she was very young. It was an honor, to her. She got to mix potions and look up magical artifacts,

Why is she in Waterdeep? The first it was because of her work. Now she still works there but only so often and second, this is where she met Shane. She was in a restaurant working on her potions and saw Shane, and so they continue to come back just for old times sake.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a sorcerer and a newly trained cleric of Hanali Celanil and works at the library and a near temple.

Does she have any pets? Melody, her black calico cat. She found Melody while hunting for vampires in Phlan, Moonsea.

Does she have any children? She is currently pregnant and it takes two years until he is born. Shane and Dream are pure blood moon elves; it’ll take the full two years.


Imaginative Intuitive Sociable

[*] Information on Hanali Celanil.

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