Earmaiviel Silverclaw

+ Laklyn – Sister

Earmaiviel Silverclaw



Name - Earmaiviel Silverclaw
Birth - July 27, Ruby
Star - Leo
Race - Wood Elf
Weight - 109 lbs
Height - 5'4
Age - 18
Class -Bard, Cleric
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Kingdoms of Celene
God/Goddess - Berna
Hair - Dark Brown, loose ringlets, waist
Eyes - Ice Sapphire
Siblings - 4b (Devlin, Daemyn, Calder, Troy), 1g (Laklyn)
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Weapon - Sabre
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Lavender
Wings - None


First noticed are her icy orbs of sapphire for what are called eyes. Deep, freezing and yet somehow caring with long ebony lashes to contrast and yet compliment at the same time.. The female is young, maybe eighteen in human terms, her height at five foot four inches is petite yet slender, and her weight holds at one hundred nine pounds. She is an elf, you can tell by her sharply pointed ears, a wood elf to be exact by her dark complexion, her complexion being flawless of course.

Dark brown hair tumbles in loose ringlets to her waist, left unbounded and playing with the wind. Slim brows, straight nose symmetrical with her heart shaped face, and high cheek bones with a pink tint of them heighten her beauty. Her lips are enticing, painted a glossy pink, due to her tongue flicking out to wet them. Her lips full are set in a cute pout most times.

The heavy scent of lavender is sensed when near this young female. She is alluring and clad in an olive green sleeveless top with a large flower pinned at the side. The shirt hugs her ample chest, though loose around her flat abdomen. A bright red skirt falls from her hips and ends a little before touching her knees, showing muscular legs and knee-high buckskin boots. Golden gloves grace her fingers and hands.

A symbol of Berna seen upon the gloves, as well as upon a small medallion hanging from her neck bearing Berna's sign, the medallion hanging from a silken, emerald ribbon. A cloak of dark blue, with hood connected, hides her form. Noticed, as well, is a sabre placed snugly into a scabbard. The blade is well taken care of, and used with an encrusted ruby in the hilt along with elven inscriptive. Her aura seems shifty, perhaps from her chaos and neutral alignment.


How did she grow up? Mai grew up with adorning parents and a large, happy family. When times got hard most of her family moved away. Her parents split apart and the children who were old enough to move on their own did and Mai was torn apart by this. Even though she may be a little on the eccentric side she is still compassionate and sweet with a pretty good education.

Her happiest memory? Being able to sing with the rest of the family on a certain holiday when she was younger. Not your typical happy memory but it holds true to her heart.

Her worst memory? When her father walked out on the family due to certain problems regarding her mother. Mai was too young to know what really happened and therefore dislikes males, other than her brothers, of course.

Tell me about her siblings? Devlin and Daemyn are the oldest by quite a few years and were the ones to move away when her parents split. Mai hasn’t heard from them since. Calder is a traveling bard and hasn’t been in contact for about two years. Troy is two years younger than Mai and studying the fighting arts. Laklyn the baby of the family is four years younger than Troy and enjoys the magical arts.

Why did she leave home? To make her own in life.

Why is she in Ford Keep? Just another stop for her career. She hopes to gain stories and learn from others what she can to help her with her life.

What does she do for money or coinage? Performs of course! If not performing, she’s healing for a local temple.

Does she have any pets? No, she travels alone for right now.

Does she have any children? No, she doesn’t like kids.


Eccentric Compassionate Determined

Berna - goddess of passion and forgiveness.

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