Gloreri Founteni

Gloreri Founteni



Name – Gloreri Founteni
Birth –July 21, Ruby
Star – Cancer
Race – Half Celestial
Weight – 120 lbs
Height – 5’7
Age – 19
Class –Cleric
Homeland – Krynn, Ansalon, Solamnia, Palanthas
God/Goddess - Mishakal
Hair – Light Blonde, layered straight, waist
Eyes – Sky Blue
Siblings – None
Marital Status – Single
Spouse – None
Children – None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - No Weapon
RPG Room - GB
Scent - Mountain Strawberries
Wings - White, Golden


She is in every sense an angelic creature with her flawless sun kissed complexion to her tranquil demeanor. Standing at the willowy and lithe height of five feet seven inches with the weight of around one hundred twenty pounds even is this half celestial female of remarkable beauty. In a fantasy setting all women are beautiful but she is beautiful in the heavenly style. Her age may never be known though she looks as if she were nineteen in human terms.

Light blonde locks in a layered style to her waist are exquisitely straight but most times done up so her luminous folds do not touch her slender hips. At most times a single flower shall decorate her hair. Slender brows, symmetrical yet straight nose and high cheekbones with a slight blush make up part of her heart shaped face. Lips are glossy and decadent with a rose pink shade and a cute childlike pout set to them. Almond shaped eyes with a slight upwards tilt are curtained by a forest of ebony lashes to contrast with the sky blue irises within.

The scent of freshly picked mountain strawberries is sensed when around her as is the alignment of good and chaos. She carries no weapons but magical properties can be sensed. May it be of habit or just to let others know they are there she may stretch out her fourteen foot spanned wings full of silken feathers the shades of golden and white that normally tuck behind her back.

She wears a dress of silken make with a stark white shade bearing an encrusted golden v-shaped neckline, long sleeves ending in a bell shape over her well manicured fingertips and a trim waist. The full skirt drops in an a-line style to cover the tops of her white heels giving her already willowy frame a little more. A cerulean blue cloak of velvet with a golden hem is often seen around her shoulders to cover her celestial wings and the hood up to cover her features.

A medallion if seen is around her swanlike neck suspended via white, silken ribbon and is decorated with small, diamond shaped rubies around the faith symbol of Mishakal.


How did she grow up? She grew up in a horrible time when war was all she knew and her blessed parents killed by draconians. She was then adopted by a loving family when very young who were powerful and rich. Even though she mourned her real parents these parents gave her everything her heart desired. After they passed away she inherited their fortune and gave most to the churches of Mishakal. It is rumored she is a chosen of Mishakal.

Her happiest memory? Having the love of her family around her and being able to heal when possible.

Her worst memory? She can only remember bits and pieces but the loss of both her loving parents, biological or unbiological, saddens her.

Tell me about her siblings? She has none.

Why did she leave home? She travels all over Ansalon to help when needed.

Why is she in Sigil? To spread the word of healing and religion.

What does she do for money or coinage? She doesn’t need to do anything; she’s set for many human lives if the need be.

Does she have any pets? No.

Does she have any children? No. She is fond of children though.


Optimistic Compassionate Charismatic

[*] Information on Mishakal.

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