Ilithya Kellen

Ilithya Kellen



Name - Ilithya Kellen
Birth - May 25, Emerald
Star - Gemini
Race -Vampire (Moon Elf)
Weight -119 lbs
Height - 5’6
Age - 19
Class -Wizard
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, High Forest
God/Goddess - Shar
Hair - Black, layered slightly wavy, waist
Eyes - Ruby
Siblings - None
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Neutral Evil
Weapon - Quarterstaff, short sword, long bow, daggers
RPG Room - CRT, R
Scent - Violet
Wings - None


Piercing rubies gaze out from behind ebony lashes, the intensity ethereal. Slender brows are ebony in shade, arched and expressive. Lips painted a vivid red are full and pouty, dewy as if her tongue just ran over them. A flash of teeth shows whiteness and good health.

Her eyes flicker out like cat-eyes, having awareness about them. Her gaze seems more of ponder than not. Her flawless complexion seems to have never been touched, her cheeks having a faint ‘existence’ like glow to them, obviously painted on as well, the shade a very light pink. Her slightly wavy hair is raven in color, falling unbound to her waist, her hair well-groomed.

She wears a tunic of linen white with a v-like neckline and long billowy sleeves going over her fingertips in a bell shape. The tunic is tucked into leather pants of black that hug her muscular legs. Her pants tucked into worn leather boots of black. A hooded cape of heavy, black cotton shields her body from view, normally hood up.

With her she carries a quiver of arrows strapped to her back along with an oak longbow with golden highlights. Also at her hip is a sheathed short sword. Hidden along her person are many tiny daggers. A hint of magic is felt when she walks by. A couple of pouches align her worn leather belt of black, holding whatnots and vials.

She also carries with her a backpack with many tomes and books filling it. No jewelry is seen, nothing unordinary about her. She weighs in at around one-hundred-nineteen pounds even, standing a willowy five feet six inches. She looks very young for her mature age, her face almost never changing from her vacant expression and her ever-wondering look. The faint scent of violet lingers as she moves.


How did she grow up?

Her happiest memory?

Her worst memory?

Tell me about her siblings?

Why did she leave home?

Why is she in Waterdeep?

What does she do for money or coinage?

Does she have any pets?

Does she have any children?



[*] Information on Shar

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