Ivie Holywand

Ivie Holywand



Name - Ivie Holywand
Birth - August 12, Peridot
Star - Leo
Race - Lycanthrope (Half Suloise Human - Vally Elf / Wolf)
Weight - (H/E) 120 lbs (W) 105 lbs
Height - (H/E) 5'9 (W) 4'6 (5'10 Length)
Age - 18
Class - Sorcerer
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Greyhawk, Greyhawk City
God/Goddess - Boccob
Hair - Dark Red, layered straight, waist
Eyes - Golden
Siblings - 3g (Phalen, Idalia, Honor)
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Weapon - Quarterstaff
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Cinnamon
Wings - None


Elf Form - The female before you is clad in a pale yellow top of leather with no sleeves and a semi-turtleneck bearing a peridot within the collar surrounded by silver metal. This garment has golden ties to lace up the front emphasizing her plentiful bosom and muscular abdomen. The top garment ends before her suede leggings the shade of burgundy are seen falling gently off her hips and holding tight to her lithe, long legs only to tuck into dark brown leather boots with golden lacings.

A cloak of white linen graces her shoulders and falls to just under her shapely rear with a deep hood and the faith symbol of Boccob or an eye within a pentagram upon the back of the cloak in golden thread. Naturally sun-kissed her shimmering youth and beauty apparent even though she has a feral look to her most times. Her height is a slender five foot nine inches with the petite weight of one hundred twenty pounds sopping wet. She looks no more than eighteen summers in human terms although by the look of her slightly pointed ears she may be a mixed breed.

The sweet yet spicy scent of cinnamon is sensed when near her almost as if she carries a scroll of the herb with her. She wears her dark red hair up in an intricate bun with chin length bangs to frame her heart shaped face; her tresses if left unrestrained would fall to her waist in luxuriant layered straight strands. Delicately arched brows are slender and a dark red shade as her nose is straight and symmetrical for her face. Apricot shaded lips are full with the lower lip slightly pouting cutely as her high cheekbones give her definition and show a healthy glow. Almond shaped eyes are luminous and kohl lined to compliment her ebony lashes that contrast with her ethereal golden irises inside telling of strength and intelligence.

The Half Suloise Human and Half Vally Elf carries only one weapon with her and that would be her quarterstaff only a few inches shorter than she is and made of a polished golden wood with engravings of runes throughout the shaft and an orb centered on the top of the staff showing a golden mist wafting through an eerie glade. Her voice is soft and demure as her natural ease is felt as is her shifty balance.

Wolf Form - A most interesting female adult wolf is seen before your eyes with a pelt having an underneath of stark white with the her nose to tail on the upper side a red-golden in shade and very well-groomed and incandescent. Her form weighs no more than one hundred twenty pounds with the length of five feet ten inches and the height of four feet six inches to make a very intimidating and dauntless lupine. The golden eyes she has in her half elven form has followed and show a wise ness before her years. Though most would see she is a Lycanthrope she does not bear their sadistic nature but her own neutral nature and that is felt. The scent of cinnamon still lingers though less heady than in her humanoid form.


How did she grow up? She was raised in a very noble and proud pack as a pup with her parents the alpha male and female and her many cousins and relatives the rest of the pack. When the pack split up due to the deaths of many family members from Lycanthrope hunters her parents took the pups to a new den and taught their children the ways of their humanoid forms so they could easily fit in.

Her happiest memory? When she became a sorceress of Boccob.

Her worst memory? The raid of the pack when many were left dead, Phalen took Ivie and Honor and hid as they were very young.

Tell me about her siblings? Phalen is the oldest being a fighter for Obad-Hai and a very dauntless wolf. Ivie is the middle child. Honor is the youngest and a very gifted Bard of Lydia. They are all still in the same pack with Ivie the Alpha female now.

Why did she leave home? Due to hunters tracking them down. Phalen and Ivie knocked off a few but they continue to come.

Why is she in Greyhawk? She lives here and is a sorceress for Boccob within a temple.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a sorceress within a temple of Boccob in Greyhawk City.

Does she have any pets? No.

Does she have any children? She would love pups but there isn’t any time just yet.


Somber Protective Intelligent

[*] Information on Boccob

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