Justise Moonruby

Justise Moonruby



Name - Justise Moonruby
Birth - January 12, Garnet
Star - Capricorn
Race -High Elf
Weight -105 lbs
Height - 5’6
Age - 19
Class -Fighter
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Silverwood
God/Goddess - Wenta
Hair - Light Brown, layered slight waves, middle back
Eyes - Pale Blue
Siblings - 1b (Skyen), 2g (Nevaeh, Voleta)
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Scimitar
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Honey
Wings - None


Elven ears poke forth from beneath lustrous slight waves with layers that tumble to her middle back, her silken tresses being a light brown in shade. Her tanned complexion is unblemished from the look and glistening with health, her race probably a high elf. Her lithe body of one hundred five pounds and the willowy height of five foot six inches may not seem that much at all but she doesn’t look malnourished. She’s young for an elf, perhaps nineteen in human terms.

Slender brows are expressive and brown, a symmetrical, button style nose and full lips with a splash of red-pink to them. Her almond shaped eyes are hidden beneath a shield of ebony lashes that once opened let loose a haunting pale blue shade.

Her attire seems somewhat outlandish with her midriff halter top of silken beige material almost the same shade as her skin, silver shoulder armor with elven engravings upon them. Black fish netting makes its way up to her biceps, decorated with golden bracers. Taunt abdomen leads down to what she wears to cover her bottom up. Hanging off her slender hips is a metal like belt with two black straps resting on her hips as pale green almost transparent strips of silken fabric of about five inches wide each cover her as a loincloth or skirt would and ends at her knees, many slits. Boots of black leather end at her knees but stocking like material as what is seen on her arms grace her legs up until her inner thighs. Normally seen with a pale blue cloak of cotton.

A necklace of golden clings to her slender neck almost like a collar, a weird signet of a beer mug in the center, small garnets grace this band as well, in small, diamond shapes. The signet of the beer mug is the faith symbol of Wenta.

The sweet and delectable scent of honey is sensed when near her alluring frame. If her alignment was sensed it would be of chaos and good. The only weapon this elven maiden carries is that of a sheathed scimitar with small, diamond shaped garnets gracing the handle.


How did she grow up? Proud of the elven beauty she has become she grew up in Silverwood surrounded by many elves and their friends. She was taught well and took to the fighting arts like everyone thought she would with her laid back attitude and graceful movements. Her family was average class as far as coinage goes and not many knew of her parents or her siblings.

Her happiest memory? Being able to go where she wanted for the first time. This was about a few years back before her service to Wenta.

Her worst memory? When her now ex boyfriend Daerk told her he wanted to settle down. This scars Just because she just doesn’t want to be around that. Settling down with a winery on the other hand doesn’t sound bad. Daerk left Just a week later and is now happily married with children and in poverty.

Tell me about her siblings? Skyen is the only male and first born of the bunch, Sky, as they call him; is now happily married and raising a batch of children in Silverwood and took a blacksmith job. Nevaeh was then born and is the cleric of the family being a follower of Ehlonna and traveling all of the Flanaess. Just was then born and thus the fighter, someone had to protect and then the baby of the family Voleta. Voleta became a cleric for yet another goddess named Angharradh.

Why did she leave home? She does what she is told by her goddess.

Why is she in Ford Keep? Best whiskey is served at the ‘Roads and she’s come here for a few years now. She occasionally stops here for about a week a year to get the whiskey.

What does she do for money or coinage? Right now she’s running a booming winery in Keoland.

Does she have any pets? Did Kaydrin count?

Does she have any children? No, they scare her.


Friendly Intelligent Initiative
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