Laenesse Swordstone

Laenesse Swordstone



Name - Laenesse Swordstone
Birth - February 22, Amethyst
Star - Pisces
Race - Sun Elf
Weight - 110 lbs
Height - 5‘5
Age - 21
Class - Cleric
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Waterdeep
God/Goddess - Hanali Celanil
Hair - Bright Red, layered straight, middle back
Eyes - Glacier Blue
Siblings - 5b (Hynrik, Taran, Damien, Tyros, Mikalen), 2g (Haleigh, Havaa)
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Katana
RPG Room - R
Scent - Lilies
Wings - None


Starting from the top would be her nearly perfect bright red tresses falling in exquisitely straight strands to her middle back normally left unrestrained but for a golden diadem pulling some of her soft hair from her lovely face and allowing a few wispy strands to frame her face. The diadem is practically non-descript being golden, very small and thin and most times not even seen from her hair. Her complexion is unblemished being a sun-kissed in shade. Delicately arching brows are a shade darker than her hair and give her expression. Almond shaped eyes are ethereal with a soft hint of golden shadow over her lids, some kohl lining over and under her lids and long, sooty lashes framing luminous irises of glacier blue that hint at the coldness she attempts to put forth. Her cheekbones are slightly high and softly flushed with life, her nose is symmetrical for her lovely heart shaped face while her lips are a soft shade of petal pink with her bottom lip set in a cute natural pout.

Her voice is gentle and soft yet with a commanding tone, her alignment that of chaos and good. The scent she gives off is that of freshly blooming lilies upon a summer’s heat. Sharply tapered elven ears are pierced twice in each lobe with small golden hoops. The Sun elf weighs in at no more than one hundred ten pounds with the height of five inches over five feet. She looks young but with her elven heritage she may be much older than she looks, even though she only looks at the most twenty-one winters in human terms. A small golden chocker necklace sits around her lovely neck holding onto a small intricately carved golden rose or the faith symbol of Hanali Celanil, this small rose along with the necklace holds even smaller pieces of amethyst gems encrusted within the gold for even more of a glimmer.

The female is fit, lithe and very slender clad within a gown of silk chiffon sapphire blue with a straight, strapless and classic necklace hinting at her ample bosom, her pleated bodice is accented with dark blue beads for an extra shimmer while the sleek empire waist allows the skirt to flow to the earth in a timeless a-line design. As she moves you may notice white stilettos of a modest three inches boosting her height to an even eight inches over five feet, the stilettos have white laces that lace up to her knees. A cloak of velvet in the shade of sapphire blue falls from her slender shoulders and ends just past her shapely rear, the velvet is hemmed with black lace. The only weapon seen upon the beauty’s form would be her katana hanging at her waist via golden interlocking chain, her katana holds a curved, single edged blade of platinum with the grip being made of gold, the katana is not held within a sheath but only swings from it’s spot on the chain at her waist.


How did she grow up? Growing up in a large family of pure blooded sun elves she never knew much else. She is from a noble and very respectful family and got everything she ever wanted. Nesse never had much love from her family and intends to keep it that way, she‘s slightly cold-hearted.

Her happiest memory? Becoming a cleric for Hanali Celanil. She secretly believes in love.

Her worst memory? The fear of becoming old, even though she has a while to go.

Tell me about her siblings? Hynrik, Taran, and Damien are the three oldest and followed in their father‘s footsteps becoming a warrior for Corellon Larethian. Tyros is like Havaa and enjoys bringing song and love into the world, he‘s a big of a fruit but much loved even by his warrior brothers. Laenesse was then born. Mikalen is the youngest male and has become a ranger loving the forest and Mother Nature around him. Havaa was the next born and a wonderful bard who’s more of a romantic than other bards. Haleigh is the baby of the family and the only fighter of the three females who hopes to one day reunite with her older brothers to fight with them, though she serves Hanali as well.

Why did she leave home? She hasn‘t. She lives in Waterdeep at her family‘s estate.

Why is she in Waterdeep? Born, grew up and works here.

What does she do for money or coinage? She‘s a cleric of Hanali Celanil. She‘s of noble birth and has enough coins for life technically speaking.

Does she have any pets? No. One day, though.

Does she have any children? Secretly, this is what she wishes for. Love and children.


Disciplined Sarcastic Closet Romantic

[*] Information on Hanali Celanil

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