Lonanae Nycaise-Silverwing

Lonanae Nycaise-Silverwing



Name - Lonanae Nycaise-Silverwing
Birth - February 24, Amethyst
Star - Pisces
Race -Lycanthrope (Human / White Tiger)
Weight - (H) 110 lbs (T) 280 lbs
Height - (H) 5'9 (T) 4'6 (6'8 Length)
Age - 20
Class -Cleric
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Featherdale
God/Goddess - Sehanine Moonbow
Hair - White-Blonde, layered straight, middle back
Eyes - Aquamarine
Siblings - Many (None Real)
Marital Status - Taken
Spouse - Mark Nycaise
Children - 3b (Alec, Jaerc, Lyric) 2g (Armelle, Nadia)
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Quarterstaff
RPG Room - R
Scent - Mountain Strawberries
Wings - None


Human Form - A female looking around twenty winters or less stands there at a willowy nine inches above five foot. Lightly tanned in complexion with just a small blemish seen just under her right eye, being a scar that's on the verge of healing over, being her only flaw; her body type is slender, weighing in at around one hundred ten pounds, give or take a few. Her white blonde hair makes its appearance straight coming to her middle back, unbound with face framing layers adding body to her satiny locks for a luminous and flowing style. Slim blonde brows are expressive while long black lashes frame glowing orbs of aquamarine irises with hints of silver turning metallic blue at certain points showing intelligence and depth.

The female is clad within a cotton gown dyed a dark fuchsia shade which clings to her flattering curves yet shows nothing that shouldn’t be shown. Her gown has a v-shaped neckline plunging just right to emphasize an average bosom while leaving so much more to the imagination while white embroidery is seen around her neckline about an inch wide and a flowing style. Long sleeves taper off after her elbows and hang to the ground in a point allowing her pale pink chemise of silk be seen extending past her elbows to come to an embroidered point at her wrists with a fuchsia embroidered flower upon the back of her hand. Trim waist is also embroidered with the same white flowing band that’s on her neckline while the skirt falls in an a-line to the ground with the same white trim around the bottom as well. A thigh high slit upon her left side shows lean legs tucked into softly hushing white leather boots encircling her legs until her knees with fuchsia ribbons lacing them up. A cloak of white hangs off her slender shoulders with the hem going just past her shapely rear.

A bracelet of a charm that is a paw and a hand forming one is around her wrist with a few small amethysts encrusted within the silver of the bracelet. Her face is that of beauty, her nose straight, and her lips full and pouty, the shade of light rose pink seeming glossy like she had just wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. A bracelet of gold with sapphires encrusted in it lies around her wrist and seems very valuable and she protects it often. A white, silken ribbon holds a medallion of Sehanine Moonbow or a misty crescent above a full moon, and the lingering scent of mountain strawberries is heavy around her taking one into the humid summer to pick the ripe, sweet berries. A sense of peace and serenity is felt when around her. She normally carries a quarterstaff made from polished oak, having a spear head on the top to ensure her safety and being the only weapon seen upon her lovely person, this staff holds just a few encrusted amethysts here and there and of small tear drops.

Tiger Form - A healthy feline is there, standing at the height of six inches over four foot around the length of six foot eight inches or so, weighing in at around two-hundred eighty pounds even. Slender and healthy, she is a young tigress with satiny stark white fur along with the enhancement of blackish-brown stripes going each way on her lithe form. A charm bracelet around her right paw, being of a paw and a hand in one is silver with a few amethysts encrusted upon the band, the same from her humanoid form. Her eyes are pools of aquamarine with flecks of silver here or there, changing with her many moods. A medallion of Sehanine Moonbow hangs upon her neck tied with a white ribbon; the image depicted is of a misty crescent above a full moon.


How did she grow up? Lona was orphaned at a young age by her mother and never really knew what happened to her and doesn’t want to know. She was found at the human age of five years and taken under the wing of the woman she now refers to as her mother who is really a lycanthrope as well but also a vampire by the name of Charm, or Fatora to others. Lona was given a beautiful education and taught that life is love and to cherish everything she has.

Her happiest memory? When she found out she was expecting at a very young age. She made an unwise decision to bed Mark but then loved every moment of it after she found out she was to be a mother.

Her worst memory? When her significant other, Mark, left her unexpectedly with five cubs in the middle of the night! She still has no idea where Mark is and if he’s alright.

Tell me about her siblings? She has many siblings but none are biological and many she has never met. Her adoptive mother, Charm, has adopted many children.

Why did she leave home? She still roams Faerun but has since preferred a little town called Featherdale to raise her cubs in peace.

Why is she in Waterdeep? She ventures out every once in awhile to see what her adoptive family is up to, or to visit her eldest daughter, Armelle, who is at college here.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a wonderful Cleric and healer for Sehanine Moonbow and uses her home within Featherdale woods to offer healing to all creatures of good.

Does she have any pets? She is a lycanthrope as are her children. Who needs pets?

Does she have any children? She has five cubs. First born is Armelle who is an adopted daughter she found before she became pregnant. Armelle is a very gifted little girl who has no idea she was once a royal but had to become an orphan because of royal politics, Armelle is currently in Waterdeep becoming a gifted sorceress for Sehanine Moonbeam. After Armelle came another adopted cub right after Lona had her blood children whom Lona calls Alec. Alec is a troubled lycanthrope and hates males with a passion except his brothers; Alec is still a young cub but shows interest in fighting with swords. Lona became pregnant at a young age with Mark and had three cubs, triplets, with the first being Jaeric, the second Lyric and the third Nadia; these cubs are too young to be anything yet and Lona takes most of her time training her cubs right from wrong.


Compassionate Protective Intelligent
[*] Information on Sehanine Moonbeam

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