Mylehia Cresent

Mylehia Cresent



Name - Mylehia Cresent
Birth - December 29, Turquoise
Star - Capricorn
Race - Half Human - Qualinesti Elf
Weight - 110 lbs
Height - 5’4
Age - 18
Class - Thief
Homeland - Oerth, Oerik, Flanaess, Fyrondy, Chendl
God/Goddess - Shinare
Hair - Red-Blonde, layered straight, shoulders
Eyes - Peridot
Siblings - None
Marital Status - Taken
Spouse - Omri
Children - 1b (Kael) 1g (Daitonah)
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Weapon - Short Sword, Dagger
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Rose
Wings - None


Seen here is a half breed, her heritage of elven by her short height, five foot four inches, and her slightly pointed ears poking from beneath her well groomed hair. Tresses are red-blonde falling in straight layers to her shoulders, kept unbounded most times, if bounded it is tied at the base of her neck by a leather strap. Slender brows lead to ebony lashes surrounding her eyes of ethereal peridot, seeming to have a silver sheen to them at times. Lips set in a child like pout are a pale pink in color, seeming dewy, and a straight nose along with cheekbones having an existence color to them.

She seems young, maybe by her eyes, or her flawless slightly tanned features, her age eighteen in human years. Her weight is petite, one hundred ten at most. The faint scent of roses clogs your senses as she passes.

The half Qualinesti is clad in a deep red velvet dress with long, loose sleeves coming over her fingertips, a dipping v neckline with white flowing embroidery, a tight stomach and a loose skirt falling to the ground. An elaborate belt like cloth is sewn onto the garment, having steel bolts in place as well, this is made as a belt, holding a sheathed dagger and a single pouch. A slit up the garment to her thigh is seen as she walks, showing muscled legs along with boots of buckskin also seen as she moves.

A heavy, cotton cloak of a deep red falls from her shoulders with a long and billowy cape, a hood also seen and normally hiding her features from prying eyes. A medallion like necklace seen around her graceful neck holds the symbol of Shinare with encrusted turquoises for decoration. Another weapon that is seen at her narrow hips would be her sheathed short sword of elven make with an encrusted turquoise within the hilt.


How did she grow up? Originally born in Vingaard Keep, Krynn she became a very highly skilled thief with the alias of ‘Quick Hands’. She was raised in many different orphanages as a child and at a certain age was left to fend for herself.

Her happiest memory? When her children, Kael and Dai, were born.

Her worst memory? Having to raise her children without their father, their father wished to be with another woman.

Tell me about her siblings? She has none.

Why did she leave home? She left Vingaard because her ex boyfriend threatened to kill her and it was best for her children if she left.

Why is she in Oerth? She moved to Chendl after her ex boyfriend threatened her. She took on a job as a waitress and is now happily settled with Omri who looks after the children as if they were his own. Her ex boyfriend is not the father of her children, the father of her children being Zeren Moviari.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a waitress in Chendl at a tavern called Sun’s Keep.

Does she have any pets? Omri!

Does she have any children? Yes, a set of twins with the names Kael and Daitonah. Kael is a very mysterious fighter and Daitonah a very strict-minded cleric of Pelor. They are still very young but very advanced with their father’s demonic blood.


Amiable Intuitive Ambitious

[*] Information on Shinare

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