Qieclya Malfien

Qieclya Malfien



Name - Qieclya Malfien
Birth - August 7, Peridot
Star - Leo
Race - Rakasta
Weight - 129 lbs
Height - 5’7
Age - 17
Class - Rogue
Homeland - Toril, Faerun, Scardale
God/Goddess - Beshaba
Hair - Brown, layered curly, waist
Eyes - Honey
Siblings - None
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Evil
Weapon - Scimitar
RPG Room - GB
Scent - Cinnamon
Wings - None


So what if the beautiful maiden before you has a tail full of luxuriant brown curls and her tail is around three feet long, so what if she has cute cat like ears full of brown fur with a soft pink inside upon her head. She’s still pretty, right? And she still has a soul, so what if she looks like a cute kitten waiting to play. Her race is determined as a Rakasta, and her ears and tail prove it.

The young beauty weighs no more than one hundred twenty-nine pounds with the willowy height of five foot seven inches. Lithe and slender her form is naturally sun-kissed and shimmering with health. She looks no more than seventeen winters at the most but each bit of her tantalizing body is perfect and womanly. The sweet yet spicy scent of cinnamon sums her up in one sniff and leaves one wanting more.

Plentiful brown tresses fall in myriad of curls in face framing layers to rest at her waist unbounded and well-groomed. Slender brows are dark and arched smoothly as her symmetrical nose is straight and button cute. Kohl lined almond shaped eyes flicker outwards exotically with full sable lashes to contrast with the warm honey irises inside giving off a mischievous look. Cutely pouting yet full lips are glistening a soft pale pink in shade and when she smiles you may see straight teeth of ivory shade with two fangs making an appearance, though the undead sense is not around her.

You may not feel an ease around her but her beauty pulls you nonetheless. A black ribbon of silken feel wraps around her slender neck and a medallion is seen just after her collarbones being a pair of black antlers on a red field, or the faith symbol of Beshaba. A simple band of peridot is seen upon her right hand ring finger, her well-manicured nails painted a crimson shade.

She is wearing a small garment of sheer material the shade of crimson with small golden flowers abundant in design. Spaghetti straps hold up the top and the neckline cuts down emphasizing her bountiful bosom as the empire waist is a black band before the fabric falls over her muscular abdomen and ends before her slender hips. Black satin leggings hold tight to her lithe legs and flare a little over her black stilettos of a modest three inches boosting her height to a five foot ten inches. A cloak of black linen encircles her shoulders with a peridot clasp with the cloak’s tail ending just under her shapely rear along with a deep hood. The only weapon seen upon her form is an ornately made scimitar sheathed at her hip with a black hilt encrusted with a rounded peridot gem.


How did she grow up? She can’t remember much about her childhood but she was born in Scardale and never met her parents. The ruler of a thief band adopted her as a pet and raised her the way she thought a child should be raised; under the rule and law of Beshaba.

Her happiest memory? Making her masters happy as she stole her first trinket.

Her worst memory? Being beat for giving a hungry family food from the thieves guild’s own storage.

Tell me about her siblings? She has none.

Why did she leave home? She left the Thieves Guild due to they all died from old age and she continued to stay young. She still lives in Scardale but is now in a new group named Sanguine Sisterhood.

Why is she in Sigil? She can be herself without being downsized for her ears and tail.

What does she do for money or coinage? She steals what she needs.

Does she have any pets? No!

Does she have any children? Maybe one day she’ll have kittens.


Sadistic Confident Cheerful

[*] Information on Beshaba

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