Roana Merchani

Roana Merchani



Name - Roana Merchani
Birth - December 6, Turquoise
Star - Sagittarius
Race - Suloise Human
Weight - 115 lbs
Height - 5'7
Age - 16
Class - Cleric
Homeland - Oerth, Hepmonaland, Amedio Jungle
God/Goddess - Heironeous
Hair - Light Blonde, layered straight, waist
Eyes - Cerulean
Siblings - None
Marital Status - Single
Spouse - None
Children - None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Battle Axe
RPG Room - CRT
Scent - Honeysuckle
Wings - None


Luxuriant tresses of the softest yet lightest blonde fall in silken layered straight strands to her slender waist to rest and be one with the breeze. Unbounded her locks are though two braids from the front tie at the back and make room for the delicate golden diadem seen upon her brow and temples. With an extended silver-gold piece that hangs below her rounded ears and an intricate brow piece of curving metal and encrusted turquoise to highlight her luminous hair.

Slender brows of light brown are expressive; her straight yet symmetrical nose is button like as her cheekbones are flushed gentle pink to match her cutely pouting and slightly full lips. Almond shaped eyes are tilted at the outer corners and lashed heavily in ebony to contrast with the depthless and intelligent cerulean irises beneath.

Obviously a human and a Suloise one at that she is no more than sixteen winters old with the willowy height of five foot seven inches and the petite weight of one hundred fifteen pounds. The gentle and sweetly flowing scent of honeysuckle takes you back to those humid summers when the honeysuckle was at its fullest.

The young beauty is clad in a silken yet luminous gown of ivory with lace straps half an inch wide with small silver beads a dipping v-neckline and a trim abdomen so the a-line skirt hangs delicately off her slender hips to hit the heels of her white stilettos. A slit up her right side ends at her hips showing lean legs of the softest satin that matches her tanned yet flawless complexion. A cloak of cotton in the shade of silver has a deep cowl and a full length tail to hide her alluring form from prying eyes.

A medallion hangs suspended from an aquamarine shaded silken ribbon around her slender neck bearing the faith symbol of a lightning bolt clasped in a fist or the symbol of Heironeous. The only weapon seen upon her person would be that of a sheathed battle axe at her hip with a polished hilt with an encrusted turquoise. The aura of goodness follows this shy young woman-child or that of the alignment chaos and good.


How did she grow up? Growing up in the tropical paradise of Amedio Jungle she was loved by her adoptive parents and given only the best.

Her happiest memory? Helping her parents with the members of the church one horrible eve, this made her want to be a cleric.

Her worst memory? Only the memory of her birth mother leaving her. She was three years old and very confused.

Tell me about her siblings? She has none that she knows of.

Why did she leave home? A message from her superior to fight off the evil in Oerth.

Why is she in Greyhawk? She was told she looked like someone who frequented this place once before. Looking for knowledge and plus, this is one place full of evil to banish.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a cleric of Heironeous and also a particularly good gardener.

Does she have any pets? No.

Does she have any children? No.


Compassionate Amiable Vigilant

[*] Information on Heironeous

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