Zayn Decima

+ Xakera – Sister
+ Wolf Form

Zayn Decima



Name – Zayn Decima
Birth – January 9, Garnet
Star – Capricorn
Race – Lycanthrope (Qualinesti Elf / Wolf)
Weight – (E) 110 lbs (W) 130 lbs
Height – (E) 5’5 (W) 3’5 (5'3 Length)
Age – 19
Class –Cleric
Homeland – Krynn, Ansalon, Solamnia, Palanthas
God/Goddess - Mishakal
Hair – Red, layered straight, middle back
Eyes – Forest Green
Siblings – 1g (Xakera)
Marital Status – Single
Spouse – None
Children – None
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Weapon - Short Sword, Dagger
RPG Room - GB
Scent - Cinnamon
Wings - None


Elf Form - Seen here is a young Qualinesti elf maiden of around nineteen years old in human terms. She stands at five foot five inches, her weight at one hundred ten pounds.

She is clad in what looks like a handkerchief of maroon, with a lime green triangle design. Somewhat of a peach colored robe left open is left to hang around her shoulders. The smaller garment ending just before her navel, showing her well-developed abdomen. Leather leggings of dark brown hug her well-built legs, her leggings tucking into boots of worn, leather black.

Around her slender waist is a worn leather belt holding a short sword along with a pouch. A cloak of heavy wool, the color of dark brown, is set upon her body, with the hood normally left up.

Once the hood is down you see red hair falling in straight layers to her middle back, most of the time left unbounded. Dark ebony lashes frame her forest green eyes, her eyes hiding something most times. A straight nose, a soft dusting of freckles spread over the bridge of her nose. Her cheeks are flushed with a little light pink; her lips set in a child like pout are a soft pink in color.

The scent of cinnamon follows and lingers around her, and a medallion of Mishakal rests around her slender neck held up via red ribbon. If her alignment was sensed it would be chaotic good. A ring of golden with a garnet embedded sets on her right hand ring finger.

Wolf Form - You notice a well groomed red pelt with the underbelly of ivory, and then the wolf under it. Her eyes a forest green easily filled with mischief. Her muscular body is young standing at three foot five inches in height, five foot three inches in length, and her weight one hundred thirty pounds even. The symbol of Mishakal is worn around her neck via red ribbon.


How did she grow up? Zayn and her sister were raised by Qualinesti elves because rangers killed her parents mistaking them for the evil lycanthropes. She was born a Lycanthropes as was her sister and being raised that way is what changed them.

Her happiest memory? Accepting her destiny to become a cleric of Mishakal.

Her worst memory? When Xakera and herself were captured by ogres and forced to become salves which tore Zayn down to almost nothing.

Tell me about her siblings? Xakera is her younger and only sister being a spitfire and a ranger, ironically after her parents were killed by rangers.

Why did she leave home? She tends to travel to promote peace and demolish slavery.

Why is she in Sigil? Happens to have a lot of slavery that needs abolished and people needing guiding.

What does she do for money or coinage? She is a cleric and also a mid-wife.

Does she have any pets? No!

Does she have any children? No, no pups but she desperately craves a family of her own she can tend for and teach.


Secretive Protective Compassionate
[*] Information on Mishakal

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