Angels in our paths...

Are they real...

God send many angels in our paths but often we know them not; in fact we may go through life never knowing that they were agents or messengers of God to lead us in to virtue or to deter us from vice.

 Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Who are they that come our way?

Friends and Associates

Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, His Grace A. S. Fernandez
Fr. Hugh Thwaites, s.j.
Fr. Paul Tan, s.j.
Sr. Cyrilla, Fmdm
Sr. Mary Mike, ij
Sr. Pius Singelton, ij
Bro. Anthony Rogers, FSC
Rank Plus
Richard @ Raphael
My Family


FMDM Health Care Around the World
Father Barre
Little Sisters of the Poor


Veritas, my neighbour
National Office for Human Development
Educare at Port Klang
Catholic Research Centre
St. Anns Church, Port klang
Padre Pio Media Resource Centre

Nature and Places

Assisi, peace love joy


Without your continous prayers, love and encouagement this homepage would not have been made possibe to give glory to Him.
Thank you.

Daily Prayers

"A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends"
John 15:13

The above are strictly my personal reflections and opinions. There will be more angels to be included as I looked back... Please hold your breathe if your name has not been included ... The reason is simple, I would like to get your permission first.
Please visit the above sites for further information.
If you would like to include some present day angels, please do not hesitate to let me know.

updated: 24th June, 1996

I do welcome suggestions, corrections, improvements ...
Please send feedback to gabrielle

� 1996 [email protected]

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