31st May, 1996
"Our Experience as Church"

Synthesis and Reflections on Collated Responses to Questionnaire

By: Br. Anthony Rogers, FSC

The following observations and reflections are based on the collated responses that we received from parishes and individuals, on the sorrows and fears, joys and hopes and our obstacles to becoming "Church as Communion".

I. Some General Observations

Differences in "Individual" and "Communal" Experiences
1. Many in the Church have personally experienced God and Renewal and found satisfaction in the sacramental and devotional aspects of church life. "My experiences of Joys and Hopes" are positive and acknowledged by many (individual) but at the same time " Our Experiences of Joys and Hopes" are limited and minimal (communal). It has also observed that once one moves from the individual, family, BEC, Parish, Diocese and Peninsular level respectively, there is decreasing knowledge and information about the "Structures" and "Programmes" and increasing negatively and critical stance and less and less joyful experiences

Many indifferent and Unaware Catholics
2. "Leave it to the Bishops and priests and leave me alone", is the norm and the unspoken slogan of many Catholics. The majority are indifferent, unaware of the vision of the Archdiocese. Very few really understand what the Basic Ecclesial Community is all about. Many would also say "We are happy to be left alone as "Sunday Catholics - Ignorance is Bliss". Leave us Alone!

Poor Leadership resulting in weak BEC�s
3. It has been pointed out that the Basic Ecclesial Communities have yet to become a "Lived Alternative" to the existing Parish. The lack of proper leadership and animation by both priests and laity, the wrong methodology, conflicts and tensions have failed to produce credible witnesses at the level of the BEC. The majority in the parish have not experienced the real BEC - only fragmented praying or "pot-lucking" communities, that lack genuine friendship and fellowship. We are far from being a Christ - Centred People of God, rooted in the Word of God.

Lack of Systematic Formation resulting in Unevangelised Communities
4. It is also true at the same time that the leaders in the Church have "left them alone" - both the "Silent majority" in Parish and "Active minority" in BEC and other task groups in the Church. Due to a lack of systematic formation, without a new model of leadership and methodology, we have not fostered fully the formation and animation of praying, caring and serving communities.

The Reality of Unchurched Catholics
5. Some of the reasons identified above, may have contributed to an issue that received much attention, namely "many leaving the Church".

Lack of Personal Conversion and Community Transformation
6. The main cause of our inability to become a true "Communion of Communities" has been our "prayerlessness" and our commitment to bring about a genuine conversion and transformation of ourselves as true followers of Christ in the context of the modern materialistic world.

II. Some General Reflections

Faith in the Potentials of BEC�s Reaffirmed
1. Despite all the negative experiences and critical comments made, it is encouraging to note that almost everyone has expressed faith in the value of the BEC and the potential of the BEC being the �vehicle" for genuine renewal in the Church. People have experienced God in a very personal and intimate way in communion with others and want to continue searching with others in the Church, so that Church will be the sign of unity and love.

Call for genuine Change in Attitudes and Values
2. We need to take a racial look at the leadership style and lack of proper skills and attitudes. Without a genuine change in leadership attitudes and values at all levels, there can be no re-creation of the "Communion of Communities."

Urgent Call for credible witnessing by all in the Church
3. The most urgent Call is for credible witnessing by Bishops - Priests - Religious - Laity, especially by our Unity and Collaboration.

Vital need for Co-ordinated and Integral Formation
4. It is obvious that one of the vital need is for proper integral formation and co-ordination of activities at all levels within the Church.

Absence of "Mission" and "Evangelisation"
5. It is interesting to note that in all the Responses received, there was no mention of the word "Mission" or "Evangelisation". Is this an indication that we are still preoccupied with "Intra-Church" activities that we have no time to response with a greater commitment to the people around us? It is obvious that it is our Communion that is genuine that will lead us to "Mission" that is integral.

For further information on this page, please contact Bro Anthony Rogers, FSC.

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updated:2nd June, 1996
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