Shall we start from the youngest ...

You know-lah, being the yougest,
she has the least time on earth and hence
there is this tendency of catching up and looking up ...
sound familiar

Next, her senior,
well, being the eldest, she has to accept that she has a junior,
she has to learn to share
she has a responsibility
then she will eventually conclude by asking...
why me?

next one of their favourite(S) uncle not U.N.C.L.E.

reason being he acts faster than them
he moves or motivates at 24 hours a day,
he does not rest until all is done and
he keeps others from resting till they have done it, too!
so what happened
The spirit is so... kind...
That all his requests or pleas are answered ,
that spared his two sisters here on earth
the stories to be continued...

Coming Soon!

unique painting of my nephews...

I do welcome suggestions, corrections, improvements ...
Please send feedback to gabrielle
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