icon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Order fresh flowers direct from the grower at 50's prices. Up to 80% discount.

Are you still thinking about that special someone that rocked your world in the 50's? The one who was sitting beside you when you heard these tunes for the very first time?

Flowers are for remembrance.

Rockin' to the 50's Dedicated to all of you who fell in love listening to doo-wop, or should have. You know who you are.
This juke looks like the one they had at Kirby Park, ... doesn't it? That juke brought me many pleasurable hours. Dancing on the slab, to a lot of these same tunes. One of my very favorites, is "Send Me Some Lovin". It once caused my entire family to move 1200 miles.

M.L. loves D.A. 4ever.                                                                                                                                             Why? I don't know why. I guess it's true, what they say, true love never dies. There has never been one day in my life, since you told me Goodby, that I have not thought of you. Let's see, it's been a little over 35 years. That's about 13,000 times, give or take a few. I have always wished you the best, and prayed for your health and happiness. I have seen you four times in that 35 years, and I have heard your voice 7 times. Not much, but cherished. I think now that I must be coming to the end, as my life haunts me. I remember so many good times. BUT, it has become an obsession, and now I can hardly think of anything else. SO, I make this site, and spend my days and nights, working, and thinking, and remembering.                                                                                                             Regardless of present feelings, one thing is certain, I followed you to this plane. I loved you on the other side, and if we never meet again in this lifetime, I will see you there, again some day. AND when we return to this earthly plane once again, I will have thirty years to find you. Of course, I realize there is a possibility that you will not come back again. I have no knowledge of your Spiritual awareness. I think you may be back, and I know that I will, for my work has not been finished.                                                                                                                         When I talk about the 50's, I have in mind the years from 1955 -1963.  I became a teenaged, teeny-bopper in 1955. January 12, 1963 was the day that the stars stopped shining, the earth became a prison, and all the music died. When You Dance-The Turbans
On My Word of Honor-The Platters
Im Sorry-The Platters
Im Sorry-Brenda Lee
The Way You Look Tonight-The Lettermen
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes-The Platters
The Magic Touch-The Platters
The Great Pretender-The Platters
Aint That A Shame-Fats Domino
Send Me Some Lovin-LittleRichard
Always-Sammy Turner
Dedicated To the One I Love-The Shirelles
Just A Dream-Jimmy Clanton
Endlessly-Brook Benton
Maybe-The Chantels
There Goes My Baby-The Drifters
Harbor Lights-The Platters
Its Just A Matter of Time-Brook Benton
You Send Me-Sam Cooke
Its Only Make Believe-Conway Twitty
I Love You So-The TenderTones
Memories of Days Gone By-The 5-Satins
Lovers Never Say Goodby-The Flamingos
Ive Been Loving You Too Long-Otis Redding

We had lots of good times in one similar to this. Do you ever remember the good times?  I hope that you have a kind thought about me once in a while. You have been my life, since the age of responsibility.Another place I heard many of these was in a Ford much like this one. The Ford was a honey, and my picture was framed in the glass of the round dashboard clock. I remember the night "you" broke that glass, and took my picture out. It was the night of the 'rabbit'. Those were the best days of my life! 1956,57,58,1959,..... The days, the nights, the music, and the One and Only D.A. ......Wolfman Jack or Brother Gatemouth Brown on the car radio, a boy and a girl, and doo-wop. I knew it couldn't get any better than this, and it never did!

My interpretation of the 50's includes the years from 1955-1963. The music died January 12, 1963.

Does he remember doo-wop? Do you?

.......REMEMBER? Me?

Tell her you do

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It was a cottontail. AND it started across the road just as we were coming up to it.

Dirt, country road, kicking up dust, and I screamed, "Look out, don't hit the rabbit."

You swerved toward the rabbit, thinking it would run, and to tease me, BUT your plans didn't work just right. I know how bad you felt when the rabbit started to run and you thought it had made a get-away, THEN the crazy thing doubled back and ran directly under the car. I know you didn't have a choice, and that it hurt you to hit that little rabbit. You were very tender-hearted.

How could I not think so, when you and I together would rake up change to rescue some poor 'Death Row Inmate' from the pound, and then spend the rest of the day looking for a home for the darn thing. Remember that old lady, out in the country,.... what was her name? she agreed to give that beautiful German Shepherd a home. She must have had a hundred dogs.

To get on with the story,.... we got in a big argument about whether or not you hit the rabbit on purpose. "Take me home. Take me home, right now!" I said.

You tried to explain, but I wouldn't listen. Silly kid that I was. I made a move like I was going to get out of the car as it was moving. You reached across me to grab the door, and in your haste, accidentally hit me in the eye with your elbow. Somehow we broke up over that. It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. Somehow, I never thought it would be forever. I still can't believe it. I never intended to live my life without you. When we finally got to my house, I asked for the dashboard picture back, and you broke the glass with your fist, tore it out, and gave it to me.

I had a black eye for a while.

If you play "Only You" on the juke, you'll hear the song that moved my family back to Texas from California in 1958. I went to a slumber party and we were playing 45's on a small record player. I came across this record by the Platters, and played it till everyone was sick to death of it. I think they wanted to break it over my head. I knew then that I was going to Texas. I only had to convince Mom and Daddy. Daddy was easy, Mama is probably still mad. I didn't have all the details then. In less than 24 hours till we were on our way. AND the next night we arrived in Texas. After driving 1200 miles, and finally arriving in Merkel, I convinced my Daddy to take me to Abilene so that I could see you. I called you, but didn't know if you'd want to see me or not. I made up some cocka-mamie story about a friend that would be in Abilene that night, and asked you if you would show her a good time. You certainly did. She loved you then, and she loves you now. The love is different now, though. There is no longer a passion to possess, only a deep and abiding affection for my soul mate. My wish for you is for happiness, well-being, and peace.

That was the first time I saw the black Ford. When I left we were using either the Pontiac, [long,low, baby-blue and white '55 Super Chief convertible] or once in a G--R---E--A--T while, we used the green Chevy. We had written to each other while I was in California, but you never told me about the car.

This is just like the one I bought in 1975 to replace "that" one. I never delivered the one I bought. I wanted to, but I just couldn't find a way. What could I say? What would you and your family think?

I couldn't bear to sell it, I couldn't stand to look at it, so I put the keys in the ignition, and left it sitting on the side of the road. Everyone wondered why that old car made me so sad, and why I sat in it listening to the radio and crying. They were glad when I got rid of it. I wonder where it is now.

I wrecked every car I got into. BUT, I really wish that long list didn't include this one. It didn't go far in making your Mother like me. I loved that Ford, and most of all, I liked you and me in it. When the music was soft and dreamy, and the windows were all fogged up.

When I talk about the 50's, I have in mind the years from 1955 -1963. I became a teenaged, teeny-bopper in 1955.

January 12, 1963 was the day that the stars stopped shining, the earth became a prison, and all the music inside me died. I was 20 years old.

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