Business/Investment Links

CNN Financial Network: The Internet site for the latest information. Includes up to the minute index numbers for the Dow Jones, NASDAQ and 30 year bonds.

Communications for a Sustainable Future: This is a forum for several different subjects related to economics and the environment. Many of the forums are run on an Email basis. Membership is open to anyone interested, but consists mostly of students and professors.

CheckFree Investment Services Quote Server: This used to be called the Security APL Quote Server, and is slightly different. Offers quotes for US and international markets as well as US mutual funds.

The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition: That pretty much explains it, no? :o)

China's Economy: I got this link from doing research at school. Has some interesting information on China.

The World Trade Organization: Another one of them links that I found while doing something constructive. Learn all about the new world order. Hehe.

Business Guide to Costa Rica: Best Costa Rica biz site I have found. Is quite complete. Of course business is better in Panama. ;o)

Insurance Companies & Resources on the net: For those interested in insurance.

Favorite Links

& Friends Home Pages

The Beckoning: A homepage by friend Wolfsoul. Wolfsoul has a great site (actually several pages) for anybody interested in medeival armor and weapons, cattle grazing issues, lore and much more. He has even been so generous as to host one of my stories on his homepage. Check it out.

Adventures of Sword and Sorcery Magazine: If you like fantasy writing, or write yourself, this is a great resource. It also has many links to related sites, and market information for writers (like myself).

La Scala: Any and all opera fans should immediately recognize this name as the most prestigious theater in the world. An opera fan myself, I found their on-line archives (though archives are in Italian) useful and interesting. La Scala has an English-language site.

Juliann's Majority of MUSHes: Those looking for something to do on the net besides browse internet pages might check out this page. It has tons of MUSH resources.

Megadodo MUSH via Hot Mudslide: This offers direct 'net' access to Megadodo MUSH (where I can be found under the name of Zaphod). The theme of this MUSH is loosely based on the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books by Douglas Adams. To Telnet to Megadodo MUSH, the address is: megadodo.com port 4242.

Pan Galactic Guide: Finally someone has gone and done what until recently was only fiction. A guide to the universe is being written and compiled. This guide is mostly being written by people who happen to have some information about the universe. You too can add your knowledge to this indexed and searchable database, or you can merely browse the writings of others (some real, some fictional).

The Labrynth: The ultimate Warhammer 40K home page (or so John would have you believe ;o) ). It is very well designed and has lots of info on not only Warhammer but Kiss, Star Wars, as well as a healthy and interesting group of links.

Hot 100 Internet Sites: This site lists the hot 100 sites for several different categories. Categories include: Autos, Model/celebrity, Best of WWW, Games, ShowBiz, online stuff, sports, live audio, college, tech, Web Servers, Web Software, chat, kids, business, finance, jobs, ISP, shopping, jokes and TV Show sites. Cool, huh?

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Author: Antonio G. Len-Rios

Server: Geocities

Last updated: November 21, 1997

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