Panama Travel Info

"Not all those that wander are lost."
-- JRR Tolkien, as written in "The Fellowship of the RIng."

If you have any questions about Panama send me an email at [email protected].

Why you should visit Panama:

Panama City, the capital of Panama, is a large and prosperous city, with all the conviences that modern day travel can offer. Hotels vary in price range from the very expensive to the very inexpensive, depending on your tastes and budget.

The public transportation system in Panama, while rustic, is extensive and relatively inexpensive. Taxi service is abundant and also cheap. The Tocumen Airport (where most international flights arrive), is comfortable and air-conditioned, and you can rent a car from any of several agencies right out of customs.

Panama is truly a land of contrast, and a nature-lover's paradise. While Panama has fewer bird species than some South American countries (Columbia, principally), it does have close to 1000 bird species, and just minutes from the city. Also, there is the Metropolitan Nature Park, within the city, which boasts more than 200 bird species, as well as a myriad of plant and animal life.

Panama has miles upon miles off coastline. That means beaches. Even the finnicky among beachgoers can find a place to relax by the sea. There are many beaches sport hostels or hotels, so you can prolong your stay. Of course, you can choose whether you prefer beach on the Atlantic or Pacific oceans, or take dip in each in the same day. Who else can claim to have done that?

Since the 1989 invasion, Panama is now a stable democracy. While Panama has crime, it is restricted to certain areas. Most travel books list these areas to avoid. I recommend Lonely Planet guides.

For sightseeing, Panama is wonderful. Make the two-hour drive to El Valle (which means The Valley). This immense crater of a long-dormant caldera (measuring several miles accross), is bordered on all sides by towering mounds of rock. Cool breezes constantly ventilate the valley. One of the highlights of the valley is the Sunday market, when local foodstuffs, plants and handicrafts are brought for sale. It is also a great spot for birdwatching. There is a hotel here, and an overnight trip can be quite relaxing and rewarding.

Soon, I hope to have pictures to show you some of what Panama has to offer.

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Author: Antonio G. Len-Rios

Server: Geocities

Last updated: February 5, 1997

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