CAUTION: Seniors and Future Caregivers!

Caution: Don't Let The Government's Regulations Bankrupt You In Your GOLDEN Years!!!

Seniors and Future Caregivers - Are You Aware Of Your Current and Future Hidden Healthcare Costs?????

This Page Is Dedicated To The Memory of my Mom

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Bio of David L. Coffelt, Long-Term Care Insurance Consultant

Glad you took the time to visit. My vision for you is that with my 14 years of experience with long-term care financing, I may help you to Plan, Prepare, Protect and Face Reality against the very HIGH RISK of needing some form of Long-Term Care Services. The long-term care services that you or a loved one may call upon some day vary from Nursing Home Care, Home Health Care, Assisted Living, Personal Care, Adult Day Care, Respite Care, and Caregiving Support. Without looking into all of the available options, and by not taking the time to plan accordingly then you or a loved one may be faced with serious financial, emotional, or physical devastation. Additionally, if you happen to become a Caregiver, as I have, you may also face many emotional breakdowns which may affect other areas of your life within your family structure and job performance. The KEY POINT is to take the time to plan now before it's too late. Today, there are only limited ways to pay for long-term care services in our Society. Primarily, the only three ways to pay for these services in our Country today are Cash (Yours), Public Assistance (If Your Broke) or Long-Term Care Insurance - (Other People's Money).

Please Bookmark this page and come back often. I will continually update this site with additional facts and figures that are facing a growing number of Families and Employers on these Eldercare issues. Again, these issues may be in any areas of financial, employer-employee concerns, emotional, physical, or just supportive.

I hope my vision I have for you and your loved one's becomes enlightening and fruitful to you as you research the related important links on my Web Page.


David L. Coffelt

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance is not for everybody - but it is for everybody who has either income or assets (or both) worth protecting. 70% of retirees (65 and over) will require some sort of long term care before they die (Nursing Home, Assisted Living Facility, Alzheimer Center, Adult Day Care or Home Care). Regardless of which one they'll need - it's going to cost a lot of money! How would you pay for it?

Consider these facts outlining why this current and growing need of long-term care services has to be addressed:

� Before 1900, only 1 in 10 people lived to age 65.

� Today, 9 out of 10 people live to age 65 and beyond.

� The fastest growing segment of our population is the group over age 85.

� For those that reach age 85, there is a 70% chance that he or she will need Nursing Home Care.

� 3 of 4, or 75% of all Seniors 65+ will need some form of Home Care During their Lifetime.

� For every person in a Nursing Home, there are 4 people who receive care at home. (Caregiver Burnout)

� 67% of Children who become Caregivers become clinically depressed.

� By age 65, 10% of the population already has Alzheimer's Disease, or a similar form of irreversible dementia. (1000 cases of A.D. is diagnnosed in WNY every year)

� 50% if women age 65 and over will spend time in a Nursing Home before they die.

� 33% of men age 65 and over will spend time in a Nursing Home before they die.

� 70% of all couples over age 65 will have one Spouse spend time in a Nursing Home before they die.

� The average stay in a Nursing Home is 2 � years.

� 1 in 5 of those in Nursing Homes are there 5 years or longer.

� The average cost of a Nursing Home in NYS is over $70,000 per year - ($90K+ NYC Metro)

The Odds are very, very high, that you will need some form of long term care services in your lifetime. Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Centers, Alzheimer Centers, Adult Day Care Centers, or Home Care Agencies are in the business to provide these services. The only problem is their services have to be paid by someone, and that someone is usually you until you "spend down" your life savings to poverty level. Just think about if for a moment. When you really look at it, the most obvious, sensible and economic way to pay for the services you may need in the future is by purchasing Long Term Care Insurance while you are healthy enough to qualify for it. Do yourself and your family a favor. Take the action NOW to preserve what you have worked a lifetime to accumulate. Look into the benefits of Long Term Care Insurance for you and those you love.

Will The Nursing Home Be Your Silent Heir? Government Regulations Says They Will Unless You Take The Time To Pre-Plan While You Are Still Healthy In Order To Protect Yourself From The Devastating High Cost of a Catastrophic Illness.

Medicaid (Welfare) Eligibility NYS

1999 Nursing Homes Rates in the US

Click on the
Below to Explore Your Options
HOT Links to other sites on the Web

On Line ToolKit For Long-Term Care Options Available for Public Use
3/00 Home Care Policies Now Approved in NYS - Cost less than 50% of a Typical Long Term Care Policy.....Seniors Now Able to Afford to Keep Their Independence at Home
Discounted Group Rates and Guidelines for Associations
Benefits and Requirements For Association Group Rates.
7-17-00 Study Finds Long Term Care Workforce Crisis is Looming�Millions with Alzheimer's Disease at Risk, "We are on the brink of a health care disaster"
4-26-00 Study Finds Rising Long-Term Care Costs, Demographics Will Make "Aging in Place" Harder Than Boomers Think; Giving Up Home, Independence the Trade-Off for Relying on Government Assistance
My Testimony on the Public Hearing Held by NYS Senator George Maziarz NYS Assemblywomen Barbara Clark which was held on 3-3-00 outside of Buffalo, New York
Press Release 12-1-99, Caregivers Give Away Time and Almost $660,000 of Lifetime Benefits
Presentation On The Growing Need Of Private Long-Term Care Financing
Presentation on the National Award Winning NYS Partnership
Alzheimers Association's Home Page
Health Care Finance Administration
Types of Long Term Care
Avoiding Fraud When Buying Long-Term Care Insurance
Women and Aging
Empowering Caregivers
Caregivers at Boomers International
Caregiving Support
Caregiving Support Stratagies
National Family Caregivers Association
Coordinated Care of WNY
How to Find a Nursing Home in NYS
1997 National Council Office of Aging Highlights - Outline of Eldercare in the Workforce "Hidden Problems and Concerns
Profile of Older Americans
1999 One Nursing Home Shift-An Eight Hour Story
My Rebuttal to the Buffalo News Editor - 3-6-00
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