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Business is the highest evolution of consciousness, responsibility, and morality. No other animal is even remotely able to function on a business level. The essences of business are honesty, responsibility, integration, abstraction, objectivity, long-range planning, effort, discipline, thought control. Business creates essentially every major human values, ranging from development of language, mathematics, the arts upto the electronic revolution, etc. But unfortunately, business circles also consist of many destructive, malevolent, and dishonest people who circulate a system of ideas which is based on Cheating. They provide such philosophical ammunition which diminish happiness, drain prosperity, and cheat productive people on a grand scale.

Business is the profitable development, production and marketing of values that benefit others. Business ultimately flourishes in the absence of cheating. Business is "solving of problems" where they exist; cheating is the "creating of problems" where non exist. Business represent life; cheating represents death. Business is non-cheating and cheating is non-business.

Cheaters are guilty losers who harm everyone, but business people are innocent winners who benefit everyone. Honest business people are cheerfully focused on reality -- on benefiting others by creating and trading values.

I recently read the following quote in an article written by an American author:

"the world is full of con-artist and jealous types who don't want to see people succeed"

I don't know what is your opinion about this. However, every body knows that there are two types of people in every society: good and bad, honest and deceitful, businessmen and cheaters, peaceful and terrorists, generous and selfish, charitable and miser, kind and ruthless, etc. etc. Lack of proper education encourages evil forces to rule the society and enter not only into politics and government but also in business. Ultimately, after some time the selfish, jealous, arrogant and/or corrupt people become very rich, highly influential, and powerful, therefore are considered as very clever and highly respectable persons of the society. As a result, educated young generation also try to follow them in every respect if they want a similar respectable position in the society.

In consequence the sympathetic, sensitive and gentle business people find many hurdles and lot of difficulties in order to survive. Most of them develop many psychological problems and considered in the society as weak, awkward and incompetent.

To help victims build courage and confidence and to arouse awareness in young people to understand and stop filth to scatter and to help these honest business minded people, I have recently started an educational and training program, initially on a small scale. The program has already helped a couple of young people. Just one year ago they were very frightened and had no knowledge of how to start their own business with meager or no resources at all. Fortunately, as an exception they are now not only earning well as local brokers but also are able to swim with the sharks without being eaten alive. The most important thing to note is that they kept themselves apart from the wickedness of the society.

I thank you for visiting this site and hope that, for a good cause, you will spare some time to give me your feedback, guidance and advices to make my program better and more effective.


Ahmadkamal Makrani

P.O. Box: 5657 - KARACHI - 74000 (PAKISTAN)

Phone: 92 21 243 8593 - Fax: 92 21 243 9717

E-mail: [email protected]



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