BlindFools Claim Your Face!!

Just got these in my email... Seems a few of us AIPNers were caught on film at the last Annual Meeting... Dont be shy, claim your face!! Let us know who you are!! Any other photo's from the meeting would be greatly appreciated!! Please forward them to [email protected] and see your face on the net!!

OK... This picture is really not from the annual meeting... It's of Faris Bouhafa in 1977... LOL !! Groovy Turtle neck dude...

We got confirmation on one person here, can you help with the others? Send Email to [email protected] .

George Faris, COB & CEO.

This man had and interesting story, can anyone name him? Also briefly tell his story if you can... Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .

I have no idea, can you help identify this person? Send Email to [email protected] .


Please Email any help Identifying to blindfool!! Thanks

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