Procedure for obtaining an Export Certificate

Are you planning to go abroad for tour business purpose or for employment? Are you planning to take out with you articles of high value such as Camera,Video Camera, Laptop Computer.Cellular Phone,Costly watch or Jewellery you are wearing?.If you have Baggage receipts for the proof of duty paid for such items please remember to carry them along with you to show at Customs counter if they demand.If you are carrying some items in your checked-in baggage please do not pack it finally.You may be asked by the Customs officer at the Departure counter to open and show them for verification before issuing the certificate.So please postpone the final packing till verification.If you have to get export certificate from Customs make sure you leave early and have sufficient time for getting the items verified by the Customs Officer and the Export Certificate prepared and countersigned by the Superintendent of Customs at the Export baggage Hall.

Please make sure to ask the Customs Officer at the Departure counter in the Export hall to issue Export certificate for such articles.Please produce every item you want to export before the Customs officer for his verification.In case of Camera,Computer and Cellular phones you ask the Customs Officer to note down the Brand name,Model Number and Serial number for the purpose of noting down in the export certificate.In the case of jewellery ask him to note down the description of the ornament such as bangles,chain,Bracelet,Ring etc.After the issuance of the Certificate you verify the correctness of the details in the certificate.

Whenever you face any problem for getting an export Certificate you insist the Superintendent of Customs in charge of the Export Baggage Hall to take you to the Assistant Commissioner In charge of the Airport and politely present your case and it will be solved by him.

Please keep the certificate safe and when you return to India show the Certificate to the Customs Officer at the counter in the arrival hall and he will be able to clear you without payment of any duty for such items.The advantage of having the Export Certificate is that the concessions you are entitled to, when you return, are not affected.

The Export Certificates have got a validity period of one year.If you are taking some costly camera or computer for repair and you were not able to get it repaired on your return,please don't worry leave the certificate with any of your friend or relatives coming later ,and he will be able to the same free of duty on production of this Export Certificate.Make sure that the items are returned within one year.

In the case of Export certificates for the ornaments carried by you on your departure please keep it safe it can be used later for satisfying the Assistant Commissioner that you had actually carried these ornaments at the time of departure and he can extend Transfer of Residence benefits for these ornaments.


Export of Indian Currency

Taking out or sending out Indian currency notes and coins without the General permission or special permission of Reserve Bank of India is prohibited.The Reserve Bank has given general permission to carry Indian Currency Notes denominations up to Rs.100 and Indian coins to Nepal by any person without limit.To countries other than Nepal,Indian currency notes and coins not exceeding Rs.1000 per person by any resident Indian proceeding abroad on a temporary visit.Reserve Bank has also granted general permission to any person to take or send out of India currency in the form of commemorative coins up to two coins each of Rs.50 and Rs.10 denomination. Indian currency exported or attempted to be exported except within the terms of the general or special permission granted by Reserve bank is liable to be confiscated and offenders are also liable for punishment.


Export of Foreign Exchange

Export of Foreign Exchange as part of baggage is prohibited wihout the general permission or special permission of the Reserve Bank of India.The foreign exchange issued by nationalised bank or authorised money changer within the permitted limit according to guidelines issued by the RBI can be taken out of India.Similarly unspent portion of the Foreign exchange declared in the Cuitoms declation Form(CDF) at the time of arrival in to India can also be taken out of India legally


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