THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED AFTER A LAPSE OF 4 YEARS......SOME OF THE PAGES ARE NOT YET UPDATED......FACTS AND FIGURES AND INVESTMENTS PAGES ARE OK.....THIS NOTICE WILL BE REMOVED WHEN ALL PAGES ARE UPDATED........This site was good for linking to United Kingdom based Investment Club Websites - right now many of the links are broken or otherwise inactive - at the last count there were links to well over fifty other UK Clubs on our Club Links page. Where possible, we list the location, size, start date, and Asset Value of the clubs so that you can find clubs similar to your own. We will update the Asset value details for each club at the end of the calendar year - if you want your details updated sooner than this then please email them to us.

If you would like your site to be shown here then please leave the relevant information in our guestbook or email it to us.

All music featured on this site is in the form of midi files - the current selection is all music by J.S.Bach - the selection will be changed every few weeks and will feature a single composer at any given time - this may be anyone from Bob Marley to Tchaikovsky

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Site last updated - partially 21st March 2005

If you would like to make contact then you can email us

The UK Investment Club
This UK Investment Club Webring site is owned by The Fair Shares Investment Club
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