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Vol. 1 No. 6

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July 15, 2002

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Law & Security


Kudirat Abiola�s Murder Case: Supreme Court Absolves Mohammed Abacha

The murder and conspiracy charges against Mohammed Abacha the eldest surviving son of the late dictator, General Sani Abacha, who was accused of involvement in the assassination .   June 4, 1996, of Alhaja Kudirat Abiola, wife of popular politician Chief Moshood abiola, the presumed winner of the 1993 presidential election, was dropped July 11, by the Supreme Court presided over by Justice Salihu Modibbo Alpha Belgore.

In a ruling that splited the five member bench four to one in favour of Mohammed Abacha, freed the late General son of the charges and upheld his earlier appeal. Justice Madibo Balgore in his judgement said, �I find great merit in this appeal and I allow it. Suspicion, however well founded, does not amount to a prima facie case. At best what is in the proofs of evidence amounts to serious suspecion that the appealant knows more than he adverts.�

Enchanted by the Supreme Court�s ruling over her son, wife of late head of state General Sani Abacha said, �I thank Almighty Allah for the judgement.� She said she is quiet satisfied with the judgement and looks forward to welcoming her son back home.



Bola Ige�s Killer Flee to Neighbouring Cote d� Ivoire

The suspected killer of immediate past Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, late Chief Bola Ige is believed to have escaped to neighbouring Cote d� Ivoire. The Oyo State Attorney General and Commission of Justice, Mr. Bayo Lawal, Wednesday, July 11, in Ibadan while speaking to pressmen, said the Police is having difficulties arresting the run away suspect.� He said that the suspect is said to have been a nephew of the Deputy Governor of Osun State.

Mr. Lawal said the Police had in the process of investigating the connection of the suspect to the deputy governor, gone to him for verification confirmed the suspect is now in Abidjan, Cote d� Ivoire. Adding that the Police is during everything possible to bring the offenders to book.

There are 27 suspects under Police custody in connection with the Bola Ige murder case. Amongst them is a policeman who was supposed to be on guard duty at the residence of the slain Justice Minister, but failed to report to duty that day. He has since been dismissed from the police force. The Police is still gathering information and evidence to enable them prosecute the suspects.  

Meanwhile, the Executive Assistance on Media Relations of the deputy governor of Osun State, Mr. Ayo Afolabi, while speaking addressing pressmen refuted the allegation that the fleeing suspect was the nephew of the deputy governor of Osun State Iyiola Omisore. He said �It is a surprise to me and to most Nigerians that one of the prime suspects in the assassination of Chief Bola Ige is allowed to escaped.� This development he said indicates that some thing is fishing.

The former Justice Minister and Attorney General of the federal late Chief Bola Ige was assassinated at his Ibadan residence in December, 23 2001 while visiting to spend the Christmas holidays with his family.

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