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Vol. 1 No. 6

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July 15, 2002

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Transport & Aviation


FG Reverses Position on Air fair Hike by IATA

Barely a month since the federal government was muscled into accepting the new IATA International airfares, the Minister of Aviation Dr. Mrs. Kema Chikwe, speaking to reporters after a round rubbing session with the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), Thursday, July 11, in Abuja reversed the government position and told the operators, �go back and see how you can reduce your fairs�, described the new fairs as exorbitant.

The airlines operators have recently advertised new air fairs for international routes, which had already taken effect, but with the Minister�s new position on the air fair increase, it is expected that a revised air fair for international routes will be out soon.

Dr. Mrs. Kema Chikwe said that discussions with the Board of Airline Representatives were useful, promising to report the outcome of their discussions to President Obasanjo.



Transporters Protest Extortion by Policemen

Truck drivers and commercial motorcycle operators took to the streets of Lagos in protest against extortion by policemen in State.  The truck drivers said that apart from the extortion, they were protesting against the killing of one of their members who refused to give bribe to the police.  The truck drivers� protests caused heavy traffic jams along major roads of the city.  The commercial motorcyclists, on their part said they were protesting against extortion by the police as well as government policy compelling them to obtain hackney permits. 

The transporters trooped to the Lagos State Government House to lay their complaints. Having heard the complaints, Governor Bola Ahmed Tinubu gave them some respite by announcing the postponement of the effective date of the hackney permit policy to next August.


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