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Vol. 1 No. 5

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June 28, 2002

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EU To Inject 55 Billion Naira Into Nigeria  

The European Union in a show of commitment to providing development assistance to Nigeria in her fight against the eradication of poverty has availed the sum of 552 million Euros for the execution of development projects in six states and the Niger Delta.

In a statement by Mr. Nicholas Costello, the acting head of the delegation of the European Commission in Nigeria, said that the EU�s assistance to the Niger Delta region and six other states are pointers to the renewed resolve of development cooperation between the EU and Nigeria. He further explained that the reason for the EU assistance was to enhance better delivery of poverty alleviation schemes such as providing better schools, good healthcare services, and clean drinking water.

The EU in conjunction with the National Planning Commission had just concluded a five day workshop in Calabar. It had earlier conducted similar training workshop in Abia State. �The EU will provide support in the area of training, while the federal government will carry out administrative reforms to enable it achieve improved service delivery.� Mr. Costallo said.

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