Weekend: April 1-2, 2000 The following article is an update to another "date rape drug", GHB. Use of this drug is more prevalent than Rohypnol, cheaper to get, and more heinous. If you overdose on GHB, there is no saving you!

"Date Rape Drug" Selling on the Web

It's the new drug plague among America's youth. Nearly six thousand overdoses and almost 60 deaths have all blamed GHB, the so-called new "date rape drug". It's so widespread now that anyone, even sex offenders, can buy it on the Internet. As EXTRA reports, police and parents are fighting back after an emotional trial. Tears of remorse in a Detroit courtroom from four teens convicted in the death of 15 year old Samantha Reid. She died after her Mountain Dew was spiked with GHB at a party last year. Her killers begged for mercy as their sobbing families looked on. But the judge wasn't swayed, sentencing all four teens to between three and 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter or accessory. Samantha's case sparked a national outcry over GHB which is often used by would be rapists to knock victims unconscious. Outrage grew this week with news that 24 year old Matthew Roth, a convicted child molester in Florida, had GHB components shipped right to his home. Cops say Roth used a website to order a 55-gallon drum of chemicals. Enough for 98-thousand doses of the drug! Michael Hall of Phoenix wasn't happy to see reporters when he was busted near his home last week. Drug agents say Hall's pickup with filled with boxes containing date rape drug chemicals. They also found barrels of the stuff in his garage. But what may be the most damaging evidence is a surveillance video of Hall leaving the facility where police think he shipped GHB chemicals.

So if you're wondering how GHB gets to nightclubs, federal agent Gerald Hochman says look no further than your mouse and the World Wide Web.

Editor's note: At a conference I attended kids are choosing to carry blue water bottles to make it easier to conceal any drugs they carry in their water.

***GHB has a salty taste and shouldn't be mixed with alcohol. Samantha made the comment that her Mountain Dew tasted funny. If your drink "tastes funny" don't drink it!!!
More to come! 1

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