In the interest of continuity, I'm including some links to past pages. If you still haven't found what you're looking for, drop me a line and maybe I can dredge it up for you somewhere!

Christmas is over, but the springerles live on. Because I had the opportunity to feast on some of these cookies made by little german elves (I didn't make any myself this year; I've never gotten complete success out of the little culinary gems. I do have a nice Thai dish that I can execute with complete confidence, however!), I'm newly enamoured with them and would still promote their cause on the Web. If you haven't been there before, go now!

You're probably wondering: did I get everything on my Wish List? The answer is, of course,
Not a damn one. But if you are interested in how I made out in the consumer spend-fest called X-Mas, take a look! Not too shabby. You might even call me a spoiled brat.

I talked to Jason Christmas night. He opened the presents I sent him, including Karrie's. But he promised to leave her some fudge. Doubt it.

That's all. I'm not including the X-mas link page, so if you wanted that info, e-mail me.

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