I've been collecting records - that's records, mind you; vinyl - since preschool. No, really! Okay, I may have had some funky titles in my possession: "The Little Ballerina" and "Tubby the Tugboat Tugs." But I also had some cutting edge 45s. Remember Winchester Cathedral?

Lately, of course, I make all my "real" music purchases on CD. But this summer, I started playing a game with myself (I get so easily distracted). What kind of records - vinyl - could I find in odd places, like garage sales, thrift shops, or stores that are finally getting around to clearing out their stock? Yea, I know I could run down to Walmart and get Pearl Jam or Lenny Kravitz on vinyl. Tr�s retro. But it's not exactly what I had in mind.

Of course, I'm not exactly sure what I have in mind. Just something odd that captures my interest, I guess. So, here I present:

Deb's Undercouch Record Collection

Okay, you say, very nice; Deb's got her little diversion going. Well, I'm asking, don't you want to play, too? If you've ever found a really fun, weird, good, strange and/or completely bizarre record album, let me know! I'll keep a running score and display the results here. Some rules though: It should either be used or never-opened old. Age is a definite bonus, though, especially if it is becoming anachronistic. It should be under $5, preferably closer to $1; let's say $5 for a boxed set or something like that. The purchase venue will also get you points for style. And details are everything; info that record companies choose to relate on the jackets can sometimes be quite amusing. So a used Elvis "Blue Hawaii" disc on blue vinyl, recorded in stereophonic sound, bought at a flea market in the mountains of North Carolina, out of the back of a van, for $1.50 would be, like, the Holy Grail!

Your email address:
Your record:
And the artist?

Where did you get it?
Garage Sale
Thrift Shop (Goodwill, Salvation Army, y'know...)
Flea Market
Clearance Sale
An old hippy sold it to me from out of the back of his van, man

And you paid?

Is there a copyright or other date on the record or jacket?

Anything else?

Thanks! Check back frequently to see what turns up!

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