sandra townsend donabed
collaged textiles and quilts

crows and critters
Someone once called the raven my 'familiar'- a spirit that guides and protects. Since I have always loved to watch their haughty attitudes as they strut through life in my backyard, my friend was probably right. I do know they seem to pop into quite a few of my quilts without me realizing it. One night after a lecture when I rhapsodized on about my love for crows, a woman in the audience gave me the address of the American Society of Crows and Ravens and I have been receiving their newsletter ever since. Here are just a few of my crows:
click on each image for larger views and descriptions

Cuervo Grande
Cuervo Grande
Rabbit Morphs Into Raven
Rabbit Morphs Into Raven
And then there are the bears, little dirty bachelor birds in nests, and of course, SNAILS:
Bear Pause
Bare Pause
Bare Clause
Bare Clause
Peter Finch
Peter Finch Interviews for a Housekeeper
Snails Trail Collage
Bear Collage
Bear Collage
And who could forget the Loggerheads that come to nest each spring on the barrier beaches in Florida:
Loggerheads at Dawn
Loggerheads at Dawn
all photos, except where noted, by David Caras

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