sandra townsend donabed
collaged textiles and quilts

vintage fabrics series

I have been collecting vintage linens and fabrics for years and finally started using them in quilts. In the beginning I couldn't afford the finer pieces so turned to the examples with holes or stains, but I am especially attracted to crude attempts at needlework or oddities in design and execution. I find that the stories of the women who originally owned them merge with my own and I love the multiple layers that develop.
click on each image for larger views and descriptions

Apple Curry Soup
Apple Curry Soup
The above two quilts were done for my appearance on "Simply Quilts", episode 824 which will air sometime in the fall of 2002. The focus of the little lesson was the technique of scanning plates on the flatbed scanner and then printing them directly onto transfer paper. From there, the images can be cut up to look like neat little mosaics or rough shards of broken dishes to use with no damage to the real crockery! Here I put them onto pieces from my vintage linen collection to resemble actual set tables.

Watch for my "Simply Quilts" re-run appearance on HGTV, show #824, where I demonstrate how I use a scanner to create a fiber "mosaic"of broken 'dishes'. For the complete lesson plan on this technique, I am offering a set of instructions as part of a series with additional innovative ideas and some cool tips. It's available either as a downloaded file or as a printed packet sent through the mail. Available exclusively on this website, Lesson #1 is all about working with scanners and printers on fabric and includes many ideas and tips. The second issue is all about working with Vintage Fabrics from a genuine *VINTAGE* fabric artist (me), the third features updated information on Lettering Techniques for quilts, and the fourth and last of the series ends with an Improvisational Quilting lesson. Save 15% when you buy all four lessons for $17.00, or get just then ones you want for $5 each. What a bargain, considering all the off-beat information!
Back to details- My preferred payment method is Paypal because it is so easy, but you can also email Sandy for information on sending a check.

Lotus Eaters
Lotus Eaters
Writing on the Window
The Writing on the Window
Changes of Latitude
Changes of Latitude
Changes of Attitude
Changes of Attitude
Other Women's Problems
Other Women's Problems
Yellow Springs Star
Yellow Springs Star
all photos, except where noted, by David Caras

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