Augsburg & Munich, Germany


In late January 2000, I caught a train to Augsburg to catch up with some of my friends and visit the two host-families from my exchange student year in 1990.  

On the way there (it's a long way!) I took in this nice sunrise along the banks of the Rhein.

Once it was light enough, I got a great view of the many castles that line the river.

The train weaved it's way through the country.  When I got to Bavaria, the landscape turned more wintry.  Snow is hardly unusual down in Bavaria - especially in the -24 C temperatures that the Bavarians had to endure the week before...  this photo was of a town near between Stuttgart and Ulm.

Here's a photo of the huge cathedral at Ulm. 

I got to Augsburg on-time, but we had a lot planned, so we had to do a quick city tour from a moving car...

Here's some church or another - I can't remember the name, but it's typical of the Schwaebisch/Bayerisch architectural style.

Here's the Perlach Turm (tower) and the Rathaus (City Hall) from a funny angle.

Here's the midday sun beating down (not) over that church you saw earlier.  Note the Zweibelturm (Onion tower) architecture.

The next day, we went to Munich.  In the background, you can see the Frauenkirche (what english speaking tourists sometimes refer to as "The Salt and Pepper shakers").

These photos were taken in Marienplatz.  I was pleased to see that since I was last in Munich, no-one had stolen the gold from the top of the column...

I saved the group photo for last.  Tongue-showing was an old tradition in all of the photos in the clique.  


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