Cologne, Germany


This is where we lived currently between May and December 1999.

This photo is what you see when you get back up to street level after taking the U-Bahn to our stop - Aussere Kanalstrasse (Linie 3 & 4). In the distance, you can see the TV-Turm (tower).

Our apartment was quite nice. Click here to see photos.

The Dom (cathedral) is by far the tallest church-like object I've ever seen, and the most famous landmark in Cologne.

Different views of the Dom.

This one was taken right next to it, looking up.

Just how high is it? This photo should give you an idea (Simon on the left and Vince on the right).

Here are couple of pictures taken by the bank of the Rhein river, which flows through Cologne.

This is a photo of the above area from the other side of the Rhein.

Here are a couple of shots taken from the top of the Saturn building. This is similar to the view I get when I sat my Microsoft MSCE exams.

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