Happy New Millennium!!!


The weather was bad, but the company was good.  Simon and I were invited to a barbecue at Brad and Aaron's new place.

As the sun was due to set, we all climbed up the hill behind their place...

... but it wasn't to be.

The weather notwithstanding, Simon was pleased to be backed in New Zealand.  As I write this, I'm in Germany (nasty winter) and he's probably still laying on the beach.

With the "sunset" out of the way, we got on with the barbecue...

This is me with Brad after a few drinks.

And here's the other host (Aaron) pointing out the size of something in black and white.  Yes we all know you've got whopper Aaron - no need to brag about it.

After the barbecue, Simon, Brad, Aaron and myself went into the city. 

We boarded a boat to take us out into the harbor so we could get a good view of the fireworks.

As midnight struck, fireworks went off all over the harbor.  We didn't see all that much, because it was raining heavily, but at least we got away from the crowds.

The next day, we all reassembled at Mark and Donald's new place for breakfast.  Of course the weather cleared up, as it does.

Here we are celebrating the fact the the sun was shining.  Oh.. and the fact the it was New Year's Day! (Note: next time, I must remember my shaver).

Then we all sat down to watch the celebrations around the world.  Here is a shot at a couple of seconds after midnight in London (GMT).  Note that while the people on the continent were freezing their European butts off, it was the middle of summer and the sun was shining.

There is a rumor circulating that we're going to do the same thing again next millennium, but I doubt somehow that we'll still be around.

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