

Philip's my ex-flatmate.  He's one of the nicest, most genuine, people you'd ever meet.  Really.

As well as being a kick-ass Senior Systems Engineer/Cross-Platform specialist, he's a great artist.  Here he is painting.  As you do.

This is a in-progress shot of the painting that Philip worked on for AGES. It's finished now, and he's proud of it (as he should be!)

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Here's a close-up of a section of the painting. Monkeys.

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Philip takes great pride in his paintings of African wildernesses, and you can see why.  In fact... here's a pic of Philip and two friends in Africa.  The worst photography I've seen for a while.

One thing I need to mention - Philip HAS NO SHAME!... get a load of this!

Here's one final photo (quite recent) of Philip when he was visiting me in Sydney.


Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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