Sydney (as a tourist) Part Two


In August 2000, Mum and Dad flew over to Sydney to see me on my birthday.  We went for a walk and here are the resulting photos.

This is College Street, looking back towards Oxford Street near where I live.  Hyde Park is on the right.

This is St Mary's Cathedral.  It's made from Australian sandstone, like quite a few of the older buildings in Sydney. 

I like contrasting the old and the new.

Sometimes, the old and the new look strange together when viewed from the right angle. 

More of St. Mary's Cathedral, right before sunset (at the end of the walk).

Viewed from Hyde Park.

A wedding party. I think it's fun to photograph the photographer.  Sometimes I go around and take photos of Japanese tourists.

The last shot from Hyde Park before heading downtown.  This is a really huge fountain that wets people on windy days.

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