Tom & Marc - Part 1


Tom is my best friend in Germany. I knew no-one in Cologne when I got here (apart from Simon, of course). I changed that by trying to find some Madonna fans to be friends with. I did a search on the web for Madonna and Cologne, and I found Tom's page.

Tom is, of course, a Madonna fan, like me. He's got the best German Madonna site in the world. His site (link at the bottom of this page) was recently voted one of the "5000 most important German websites". Congratulations Tom. Here is a picture of Tom looking all proud.

Anyway, we met up and we've been good friends ever since.

Yet more photos of Tom.

These photos were taken just before saying goodbye at Cologne airport.

Tom, I'll miss you... :(

Marc is Tom's boyfriend. Pictures here.

Tom can be reached at [email protected]. Let him know I sent you. If you're a Madonna fan, visit his "IMPORTANT" (it's official!) German Madonna page.

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