Society for Barefoot Living

"Society for Barefoot Living"

Promoting barefoot acceptance...
Love going barefoot? Check this LINK out!

I became a proud member on 13 Jan. 2000.

My own experiences and thoughts: updated 8 May, 2000

In guess in reality i have always liked going barefoot, even as a child. I never thought much about going barefoot anywhere besides my own back yard or on the beach, though. Then almost twenty years ago i decided to take a hike thru 'Fairmont Park' here in Philly PA. It's the largest city park in the world. I actually hike to the park and thru a good section of the park without any shoes or sandals. I had been barefoot in city parks and playgrounds before that, but this was definitely different. I must admit, my legs and feet hurt a bit after that experience. I did not know at the time that i was using muscles i was not used to using. I must have over done it that day. However, for years now i have literally lived in flip-flops during the warmer months of the year. It never occurred to me that i could actually just dump the flip-flops and just be barefoot.

Since i discovered the Society for Barefoot Living's web page, i have found out a lot about barefoot walking and hiking. I have read about how much more natural it is for your feet, gait, and your whole skeletal system. I have learned that with time you develop natural toughening of the pads of your feet; which actually protects you from glass and other obstacles that had prevented me from going barefoot in the city for most of my life. I also found out there are no state laws against going into stores, restaurants and other places of business. I guess that's why i had constantly kept my flip-flops on for so many years.

I want to become less and less dependent on wearing shoes or flip-flops. I have even gotten used to temperatures down to 45� [wet conditions] and about 39� [dry conditions] for short walks to the store. I have learned from other members that you can develope tolerances to lower and higher temperatures with time and experience.

If you have read my page you may have noticed i am a nudist also. I always thought that nudists wearing shoes were a bit strange to me. How can you be nude if you are wearing shoes? I think at this point in my life; i would rather be barefoot and dressed than nude and shod. I also find that being barefoot gives me a connection to the earth which i find very spiritual.

I am sure i will write more about this as time goes by
Check under some of the photo Thumb nails.

Here are some photos of me with descriptions; click to see full size.

- The grounds of the Philadelphia Art Muuseum, 1 Aug, 1999

- The Libery Bell in Philadelphia, 14 Feb, 2000
Read more about it.

- The Libery Bell in Philadelphia, again shirt-free, 6 May 2000

- Independence Hall in Philadelphia, 15 Feb, 2000
Read more about it.
Read about another outing to the Doctor and Tower Records.
Read about Tower Records what i did about it and the outcome.

- My Dirty Soles after a night out 29 Feeb, 2000

Running Barefoot: updated - 23 Jan, 2002

Two years ago, i had checked out a web site for barefoot runners. I corresponded with the author and decided i wasn't in shape for long running. He runs marathons barefoot and it amazed me. Recently i checked back with his page and thought, maybe i could give it a try again. I had gotten a bicycle about two months after our correspondences and didn't think much about it. The first summer i racked up a little over 500 miles on the bike and the second year i racked up 1063 miles. I ride barefoot most of the time too. I think it has helped me to develop more stamina. I tried a couple one mile barefoot runs just the other day [22 Jan. 2002]. I couldn't believe i actually ran two full miles with a break in-between the two runs. It was 45-46� on some wet surfaces, but mostly dry surfaces. My toes got just a bit cold, but not too badly. The day after my only discomfort was the aching in my calf muscles. I'm still not used to running. I may keep working on it. I got my neighbor to take a couple photos of me running.

updated - 27 Jan, 2002
Yesterday, i ran across the Benjamin Franklin Bridge and back. I was again amazed as it was over 3 miles. It's a gradual uphill run to the middle and then downhill to the other end [NJ]. I got a little winded on the way up, but was fine on the way down. Of course then i had to repeat the trip to get back to the Philadelphia side. I was even singing while running on the way back. Before i went out i did 100 crunches, 15 pushups and stretching to warm up.

- Running in shorts, sweatshirt & hat 222 Jan 2002

- Running in shorts only 22 Jan 2002

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